In today’s setting the issue of health, among college students is gaining more attention. The combination of pressures, social expectations and personal responsibilities often leads to levels of stress and anxiety. To address this issue there is a growing demand for colleges to prioritize their students’ well -being. One suggested solution that is becoming popular is the introduction of days off dedicated to health giving students a chance to take a break from their academic obligations.

At the core of this advocacy is the acknowledgment that mental health holds importance to health if not more crucially in such a demanding environment like higher education. So what I created was a poster with a QR code with a website talking about students mental health and how it could be cured. I wanted to do an actual advertisement like a video but that would take up too much time and as well money. I really want people to understand that a student’s mental health is very concerning because we constantly get more work and have to constantly study and we get stressed and have mental breakdowns, wanting to drop out, etc. I want this poster to target the college students so they can spread it around and tell people what we really go through while being a college student. While the pursuit of knowledge and academic success is undeniably important, it should not be at the expense of students’ mental well being. Studies consistently show how chronic stress can negatively impact abilities, emotional balance and overall health. Neglecting mental health could jeopardize the goals institutions aim to accomplish.

The idea behind having designated health days highlights the necessity for steps, in aiding students with managing their mental well being.

Of waiting for individuals to reach a breaking point, like burnout or a breakdown providing scheduled breaks empowers students to prioritize self care and participate in activities that support rejuvenation. Taking this approach not only encourages a holistic well being culture but also equips students with essential skills to navigate life challenges outside academia.

Critics might argue that the academic calendar already incorporates breaks like weekends, holidays and semester breaks. However these periods often fall short in offering the relief to address mental health issues effectively. Weekends are usually filled with catching up on work, social commitments or extracurricular activities leaving room for relaxation. Similarly semester breaks can be overshadowed by deadlines, internships or family duties. In contrast, having a designated mental health day acts as a pause button that indicates to students that their mental well being is a priority deserving attention.

Furthermore the advantages of health days go beyond students and impact the entire campus community positively. By promoting an environment that values self care and mental health awareness institutions can nurture a culture where students feel encouraged to seek assistance when necessary.

Taking an approach not helps reduce the stigma surrounding mental health but also fosters resilience and emotional intelligence qualities that are crucial, for success in academic settings and beyond.

To sum up addressing health issues among college students is a matter that requires proactive measures. By advocating for the introduction of designated health days we recognize the importance of prioritizing students well being alongside their commitments. These designated breaks not offer a way to manage stress but also symbolize institutional support for mental health. By embracing this initiative we are taking a stride, towards building an more resilient campus community for future generations.