Prof. Rosen | ENG 1121-D438 | Spring 2024

Agenda: Week 12

Week 12: Project 3 Drafting

Class Info

  • Dates: Wednesday, April 17, 2024; Wednesday, May 1, 2024
  • Meeting Info: 11:30am-12:45pm in room N602A
  • Important: I will be absent due to illness on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. My colleague Prof. Ruth Garcia will be covering the class. Please feel free to ask her any questions. If you would prefer to work on your Project 3 draft elsewhere, please post your draft with the category Project 3 Work so I can give you credit for your work.
  • Important: If you have a computer or tablet, please consider bringing it to class this week!


  • To draft Project 3, both the multimodal composition and the proposal
  • To complete any unfinished work

For Wedesday, 4/17


  • Find mentor texts/model texts to read


  • Share as a comment to this agenda any mentor/model texts you found useful
  • continue drafting Project 3


  • Where are we with Project 3?
    • Write a checklist of your goals and the work you need to accomplish.
    • finalize audience and genre
    • do some research about that genre to know its conventions
    • learn how to use certain software or equipment as needed
    • Remember: it’s great to learn something new, or to show off skills you have for this project. But I’m not grading based on your design, videography, creativity, etc, skills. I’m looking to see that you have chosen an appropriate genre for your purpose and audience, and that you demonstrate that you understand the conventions of the genre.
  • Independent/partner working time
  • Now where are we with Project 3?
    • Focused freewrite (10 minutes): What did you accomplish? What’s next?
    • Share your accomplishments and new goals as a comment on this post.
  • If you need help, please reach out to me!

For Wednesday, 5/1



  • Continue drafting Project 3


  • Revise our checklist for Project 3. What can you accomplish today?
    • conference with Prof. Rosen
    • edit/revise/work on Project 3
    • work on your multimodal composition–writing, recording, editing, layout, etc
  • Present your multimodal composition
  • Think about the proposal portion of Project 3
  • Peer Critique/Feedback: In Liz Lerman’s Critical Response ProcessSM we are encouraged to offer four types of feedback: what stood out to us, what we understood, what questions we have, and with permission, our advice or opinions
  • Note things you understand, liked, or had questions either about what they’re saying or what else you would like to know. Write three to four specific comments about each classmates’ work. Here are some sample phrases to help you get started:
    • After reading/watching your multimodal text, I understand that …
    • I could tell the audience is … and your purpose is …
    • When you said … this really caught my attention because … 
    • Your piece got me thinking about …   
    • I wanted to know more about …
    • I got confused here when you said … because … 
    • I wondered why you made … choice
    • As you revise, you might want to consider …
  • Time to workshop/revise
  • Review instructions for artist’s statement

Photo credit: “I am writing on the wall” by Christian Heilmann via Flickr CC BY 2.0


  1. Caryn Gutierrez

    Good afternoon professor, I hope you feel better soon. Currently I have figured out the type of genre I will use for project 3 which is infographics. I got familiar with Canva during class and searched up infographics examples which helped me figure out the style I want to go with in project 3. I learned how to add pictures and info to the infographics. The audience I have chosen to reach is current City Tech students seen as they are the ones that can make a difference on recycling/their environment right away if they choose to do so. I want to inform them of the effects of their actions and what they can do recycling or living more sustainably to protect as much as they can of their environment. There are a lot of examples of infographics on Canva too which I found very helpful. The idea I have in my mind to reach my audience is handing out fliers or making the infographics into a big poster and put them on the wall besides trash bins. This is in order to make students more mindful and aware of their waste disposal choices. I’m hoping they’ll stick to correct recycling procedures outside of City Tech or even for their whole lives if they make it a habit.

  2. Destiny

    Something I had accomplish was making a list of what I think I would need for my project. The next thing I need to do is to figure out which multimodal I will be using and how would I use it. I also couldn’t find any mentor text, so I am not sure what to do with that part.

  3. James A.

    What I personally accomplished was narrow down what type of media I want to use for Project 3. I would use a static infographic as opposed to a video. Students would probably not take the time to watch a video. I would probably not use a statistics graphic, but never say never. I think having the graphic with a list would be easier to convince students about the benefits of joining a club. It also wouldn’t appear as purely for academic reasons, it makes it more appealable to a wider audience.

    Feel better, get well soon! Enjoy your spring break!!!

  4. Brandon Fuentes

    For project 3, the genre I’ll be going with is a poster and my main target audience are students who take public transportation multiple times above average either within a week or day, and those who come from a low-come household. What I accomplished today was experimenting with Canva a little bit to see how it functions and did research on how a successful poster both catches their target audience attention through visuals while conveying a topic with information and compressing it down to a few sentences that would fit on a poster.

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