Prof. Rosen | ENG 1121-D435 | Spring 2023

Agenda: Week 15

Red paint, with some green and blue, and broken pieces of glass
DSCN1779” by Cristian Mantovani via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Week 15: Conclusion

Class Info

  • Dates: Thursday, May 18, 2023-Tuesday, May 23, 2023
  • Meeting Info: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00-11:15am in room N618
  • Important: If you have a computer or tablet, please consider bringing it to class this week!


  • To draft the final reflection
  • To make a plan for revising any previous work (Projects 1, 2, 3)
  • To complete any unfinished work
  • To take all the parts from throughout the semester and transform them into something beautiful!
  • TO FINISH!!!

For Thursday, 5/18


  • Review your writing from throughout the semester


  • Continue drafting the Final Reflection
  • Work on revising any of the projects from this semester
  • Complete any unfinished work

In Class

  • Drafting the Final Reflection
  • To revise or not to revise?
  • Group feedback
  • Conferencing
  • We discussed: I will reach out as you post work. I will send pep talks, encouragement, reality checks. Inspirational posters.
  • done is good! let’s get there together.
  • texts are good, too!

For Tuesdsay, 5/23


  • Continue to review your writing from throughout the semester
  • Re-read the feedback you got on your writing, from me or from the Writing Center or other supporters.


  • Finish any unfinished work to submit by 5/23 at the latest

In Class

  • final questions, thoughts, and feedback

Enjoy the summer! Fall 2023 begins on Friday, August 25th.


  1. Biana

    Final reflection

  2. Biana

    Fina reflection

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