Today at 1pm, the Writing Center is hosting a workshop on using rhetoric in Project 3 (what the rest of the English Department calls Unit 3). It’s in the Writing Center, G608, so that’s the General Building, 6th floor, in one of the rooms off to the right when you walk into the big computer lab.

Here’s the description and poster:

Thursday, May 4 with Margo @ 1pm: Using Rhetoric in Unit 3 (in-person, G-608)

Learn more about rhetorical concepts from everyday examples and then apply them to your upcoming work in your classes.

City Tech Writing Center Using Rhetoric in Unit 3 Rhetorical Analysis May 4, 2023 1:00PM G-608 Professor Margo Goldstein photo of 3 people working together with a laptop and smartphone and paper.

I hope this is helpful for thinking about audience, purpose, and those important appeals–ethos, pathos, logos–among other aspects of rhetoric that you’re already considering for your multimodal projects.

Thanks for reminding me about this workshop, @grivas09!