twins” by alain01789 via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Here’s another co-working session–please join, and help spread the word!

Have you heard of “body doubling”? Do you get more work done when working in the company of others? This practice of working on a task while others are also working on their own projects is becoming very popular on social media. It’s a trend because it works!

With “body doubling” comes accountability and knowing that others are also working, creates some positive stress. And when one is focusing for a short period, while intentionally putting the phone away and avoiding emails, a lot can be done! 

As the end-of-semester stress mounts, the OpenLab is holding a co-working session for students just before Finals week. Join. The Zoom room will be open from 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. for students to work silently in the same space. Join anytime with that final paper or project and work on tightening its loose parts. Or your study notes for your exam. Or anything else from your to-do list you want to accomplish!

Do you have other productivity or stress management hacks? Share them in the comments below!