Prof. Jody R. Rosen | LC32 | Fall 2023

Category: Announcements

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The James Webb Space Telescope captured the most distant known star, Earendel, in this deep field shot released Aug. 2, 2022. Earendel, red, is just barely visible in the dim, red arc in the lower right of this field. The bright, rayed white star in the upper center is a foreground star in the Milky Way.

Thank you for joining me on this ENG 1101 adventure this semester! I learned so much from you through your writing, research, self-reflection, and your dedication to your goals.

I hope that many of the things we learned about, read, discussed, considered have become part of what you bring to … Continue reading this post

Student Survey

  • Please tell me about the technology and working space that you have available to complete your coursework. Feel free to share any additional information in the last question box. All responses are private.

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