One of the most important tools for assisting people with mental health difficulties is therapy. People can explore their ideas, feelings, and behaviors in a secure and encouraging setting. Through therapy, people can identify the underlying reasons of their mental health problems and create appropriate coping mechanisms to address them. As someone who started taking therapy to help me navigate school,work and my social life it’s worth it putting in the work to learn about yourself and improving yourself daily. The first source I read helped me understand more the science behind therapy and the types of therapy you could be taking. There are many different types of therapy, and while they may use varying techniques or approaches, they all share the common goal of improving your mental health. Therapy helps you learn how your own mind works. It allows you to navigate your feelings, build healthier habits, and change your mindset so that your life looks more like you want. When reading my second source I got to learn how psychotherapy works and how psychotherapists use techniques based on their patients. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than a quarter of American adults experience depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder in any given year. Others need help coping with a serious illness, losing weight, or stopping smoking. Still others struggle to cope with relationship troubles, job loss, the death of a loved one, stress, substance abuse, or other issues. And these problems can often become debilitating. For the last source that i was reading about i learned that a treatment called dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) that are for adolescents that presented suicidal behavior and non-suicidal behavior. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment that targets suicidal behavior and nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and has been adapted for adolescents. Given the seriousness of these behaviors, many adolescents are psychiatrically hospitalized, but minimal research has been conducted on specific interventions during hospitalization. The goal of this study was to evaluate DBT versus treatment as usual (TAU) for adolescents on an acute-care psychiatric inpatient unit. The purpose of making this project was to learn about how mental health takes a toll on people and how therapy can be a good outlet to reach to. Knowing that a lot of teenagers, college students, and young adults struggle with mental health issues, learning and writing about this topic could help these people know that there are people trying to help get through those struggles and that they are not alone. A lot of teenagers, college students and young adults in our generation are open to going to and trying therapy mostly because in your generation there are more open minded people and when someone is dealing with a mental health problem they don’t want to feel judged when asking or looking for help. When it comes to mental health there can be a lot of questions  and concerns, they being people feeling judged, feeling like they don’t know how to explain their feelings or don’t know how to talk to someone about their thoughts and emotions. When writing my research project and creating an infographic project about mental health and mental health illness within college students specifically, I try to remember that there are a lot of college students and other people dealing with mental health issues and don’t know when to start getting help or don’t where to go for help. As a society we can give those people resources in order for them to get the help they need. For example how clubs in school, where not necessarily have students talk about what they are going through but having a club where you can talk about anything, having open conversation and meet new people who are feeling and going through what they are going thought, a place where students can feel comfortable and feel like they can relate with other people. I chose the infographic genre because I felt like it would get straight to the point, and give my audience more straightforward information and outlets and more awareness on mental health.  With my audience being teenagers, college students and young adults i felt like having statics would be more intriguing for them to read that instead of reading someone longer and with words that they didn’t understand and so they didn’t lose interest. Having a chart with the number of college students that have been hospitalized due to their mental health issues, can encourage my audience to ask for help or look into helping himself and making the first step, going to therapy. As the percentage of college students with mental health issues keeps going up, it could be a good way to show my audience that they are not alone with the struggle. When I have resources in my infographic I wish to present in a  better and more clear way, so that my audience can understand and look into the sources I have put and do some research and reading on their own time. At first I was looking to do a slide presentation and later when creating the slide I felt like my audience wouldn’t get through the whole without getting bored and wouldn’t get the information I wanted them to reserve from my project. I learned that I enjoy doing little projects, where I get to put more of my creative side to it and still take in new information and learn more about a topic that is important to me. I honestly feel like my project could have been better if i didn’t procrastinate a lot when starting it, and knew how to manage my time for when starting it. Although I did like how it turned out I would make some changes to it. I would like to change how the format is. Don’t get me wrong I like the format but I don’t like the way I display the information, I feel like instead of just giving some facts to my audience I could’ve given them more detailed information on mental health within college students. Learning these skills when doing my infographic project I feel like these creative skills would help me do future projects, when it comes to my writing in the future, it would be smarter and I would like to think that I will improve managing more of my time in order to be more satisfied with my work ethic.