Prof. Jody R. Rosen | LC32 | Fall 2023

Week 2 Agenda

Brick wall with chalked creatures and the script sentence "Let's go!"
Let’s Go!” by Karl Schultz via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

We’ve finished one week of the semester so far–congratulate yourself for that accomplishment! Here we go with Week 2!

Week 2: Annotation, Education Narratives

  • Dates: Wednesday, 9/6 & Monday, 9/11
  • Meeting Info: This course meets in person for 100 minutes twice per week, Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00-1:40pm, in Namm 602A. By the end of each week, I will post an agenda that will outline the next week’s work. It will include instructions for you and links to readings, discussion questions, and other work.  We will work on developing community both in our classroom and in our online written community. 


  • To read, annotate, contribute to the course site; to begin Project #1: Education Narrative

To Do Before Week 2

For the start of Week 2, be sure to have completed the work assigned in the Week 1 Agenda, most importantly:

To-Do This Week

Wednesday, 9/6: Reading and Writing like a Writer



  • Participate in our Introductions discussion, and respond to classmates to highlight shared interests
  • Annotate the two readings about procrastination on the copies handed out in class and bring them to class

In Class

  • Let’s re-introduce ourselves and say something we learned, or a question we have, from the first week and a half of the semester.
    • CT 101= $300!
    • always check email
    • check grades on Blackboard! or check with your prof for how they’ll communicate grades
    • join clubs on OpenLab–and in real life too, at the Club fair this Thursday at 12:45-2:15. In or near the library building
    • watch lectures on your course site if that’s the way your prof organizes class
    • time management FTW!!!!
    • get an assignment? do it right then and there!
    • you can reserve rooms in the library to study in
    • taking notes helps
    • preparation is key to getting everything done
    • work piles up if you don’t do it right away
    • use a planner, a calendar on your phone, google docs even for to-do lists
    • park next to the school–lots of them!
    • sleeping schedule
    • resist procrastination–it’s all about self discipline
    • pay attention to stay focused
    • review what you learned throughout the day at the end of the day so it can stick
    • get to class on time
    • check your course site regularly for homework, announcements, etc.
  • How can we read as writers, as Bunn recommends? What difference does that make to our reading? to our writing?
  • Annotations:
    • asking questions
    • circling words you don’t know
    • underline author’s purpose
    • highlight important facts
    • answer: who is the author, what is their purpose, what is the tone, who is the audience, what is the genre
    • number important points in a dense sections
  • Double Entry Journals:
    • in groups of 4, do the double entry journals for the Grant and Pychyl readings. One can record for the Grant, one for the Pychyl. One can be the text-expert for Grant and one for Pychyl

Monday, 9/11: Genre, Education Narratives



  • Annotate the readings in the Google Docs. These docs are shared with students in Prof. Garcia’s ENG 1101 courses as well, so we’ll share our annotations for more ideas.
  • Join the Introductions discussion.


  • Values and Goals
  • Double-entry journaling for our readings:
    • which passages do you want to be in dialogue with?
    • which passages speak to you, relate to your experience, or resonate with you?
    • which passages contradict your experience in a way that is helpful to push against–maybe advice that didn’t work for you or had a different outcome.
  • Education Narratives
    • what are education narratives?

1 Comment

  1. Kenechin

    A list of my core values would be :

    • Succeeding
    • Freedom
    • Achieving
    • Consistency (never stopping)

    These are very valuable to me this semester being a freshman student.The most important I’d say tho is never stopping and achieving. Many people have succeeded, and earned freedom while being in college but some have never really achieved much. This is mostly because they give up when it gets too hard. If you wanna achieve anything that you really want you have to have the drive for it so that you’ll never stop trying. Being a freshman it is easy to get very overwhelmed trying to achieve all opportunities and goals that I strive for. But I know in all my attempts in doing so I have to try as hard as I can to reach it.

    Writing may help achieve these goals by maybe expressing myself so I won’t get too overwhelmed. When I say writing I mean journaling. Journaling is a way to create order in my life and reveal thoughts and feelings. This would also be a good way to help me improve on writing itself because that’s something I struggle with. Not only that but I would also be able to gain freedom because it’s only my thoughts and I have the power to do or say whatever with the words that I hold.

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