Week 9: 900 Broadway

I am not sure if I mentioned this before, butĀ Mdrn. Residential is a startup company and for the past months they were stationed atĀ WeWork, which is a place where a bunch of startup companies can rent their own office space and also network with other companies that are renting there as well. 20150924_135031Ā After a while, when the company gets up on its feet, it is time to find a place that will belong to that company entirely, and thatā€™s exactly what Mr. Zack Ehrlich (the CEO of Mdrn. Residential) did. I say all this because this was a new experience for me. When you get comfortable in one environment and is suddenly taken out of that comfort zone and into a new environment, you must be able to adjust and adapt. Mdrn. was able to salvage most of their Mac laptop computers and in the new office there was a space near the lunch area where I could set up and create my own little intern work space. I have a lot more projects now because since Mdrn. now has a space and brand all of its own, they need stationary design, more e-mail blasts and postcards. Currently, I am working on letterheads and there is this big empty white wall that Mr. Eyal Itzahki (Design Director) wants me to come up with a few ideas to put on the wall.


Being in the new space opened me up to all of the other agents who work for Mdrn. and things ended up looking like a big family reunion because at the old office, there were two rooms. One room was a small room where Mr. Zach, Mr. David, Mr. Eyal and me would sit and work together and all the other agents were in the larger room down the hall, so we hardly ever interacted with them. In the new space, I now assist all the other agents with printing and all other computer troubleshooting (which isnā€™t a lot) along with completing my projects. Next week, the shipment with the postcards I designed should be coming in and I canā€™t wait to see how they look.

About RachealJ

"Something for the more real, than real world behind the real" ~Andre Breton
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