STAGE 1 [IRINA, STEVEN, NICOLE, ANDREW, MICHAEL, CHRIS]: Meet on Tuesday 11/19 from 1-2:15 to COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOX. Steven and Michael: you should probably try to complete a couple of these items prior to Tuesday.
STAGE 1 [IRINA, STEVEN, NICOLE, ANDREW, MICHAEL, CHRIS]: Meet on Tuesday 11/19 from 1-2:15 to COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOX. Steven and Michael: you should probably try to complete a couple of these items prior to Tuesday.
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Think about applying as a group. The award is $4,000 — which would fund a trip for all of us to Leicester England!
See “Files” folder for flyer.
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Hi team,
Read the call for submissions below. If you are interested in presenting (reading and demonstrating) a paper at a major theatre conference, let me know. I can help you with the application (I also know Will — and since the theme fits the conference and our project is very interesting, I think we could get in).
The 35th Annual
Mid-America Theatre Conference, Wyndham at Playhouse Square, Cleveland, OH
March 6-9, 2014
Conference Theme: Revision, Emerging Scholars Symposium
Two Emerging Scholars Debut Panels: One Graduate & One Undergraduate
Undergraduate and Graduate students who have not yet presented at a national conference are invited to submit papers for the Emerging Scholars Symposium, two debut panels of the Mid-America Theatre Conference. Papers for the two panels are welcome on any topic in theatre history, theory, or dramatic literature. Papers that complement the conference theme of “Revision” are encouraged, but not required.
Up to three participants will be selected for each panel, and each panelist will have fifteen minutes to deliver his or her paper. Students whose papers are accepted will receive free conference registration, free admission to the conference luncheon, a one-year membership in MATC, and a cash prize of $50. Undergraduate winners will also be paired with a conference mentor.
Papers should be 7-10 pages in length (1750-2500 words), and will be evaluated on the quality of their writing and research, their critical/theoretical sophistication, and their originality.
For consideration, please e-mail all submissions as Microsoft Word attachments to the symposium co-chairs:
Will DaddarioLa Donna
Submissions should include the following:•Your name and the name of your academic institution.•Contact information (including mailing address, e-mail, and telephone number).•A brief bio (no more than 100 words)•Indication of whether you are submitting to the Undergraduate or Graduate Debut Panel.•COMPLETED paper (no abstracts, please).
Submissions MUST be received by:Graduate Panel – OCTOBER 15, 2013. Undergraduate Panel – NOVEMBER 1, 2013
The Mid-America Theatre Conference is held every March with symposia in Theatre History, Practice/Production, Pedagogy, and Playwriting. Graduate students are welcome to submit proposals either to these forums or to the Emerging Scholars Symposium. All proposals are refereed. Because of its small size, MATC serves as an ideal setting for graduate and undergraduate students to begin to share their work with and get feedback from established scholars. Membership in MATC also includes a subscription to Theatre History Studies, a leading journal in the field. Please visit for more information.
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Italian Renaissance polymath