Monthly Archives: November 2013


STAGE 1 [IRINA, STEVEN, NICOLE, ANDREW, MICHAEL, CHRIS]: Meet on Tuesday 11/19 from 1-2:15 to COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOX.  Steven and Michael: you should probably try to complete a couple of these items prior to Tuesday.

* Complete stand and wrap with masking (I expect plywood is too costly — will black material work — something that is inflammable?)
* Remove back of box
* Install RPS to back of box
* Paint outside of box (Black?  Do we want to make it look like the outside of a theatre building — perhaps paint some windows and a stage door on the sides?)
* Attach the tray for computer monitor
* Create a frame to hold the cloth tarp that covers the audience member (to remove all ambient light from front of the box)
* Install black cloth onto the frame of the “auditorium”
STAGE 2 [DAVID, IRINA, CHRISTIAN]: Irina and Christian complete editing of the actor’s scene.  David Smith is composing some introductory music for the scene.  This needs to be put into the sound design.  Irina supplies background image for projection.  Perhaps some moving elements in the background as well (setting sun, circling crows).
STAGE 3  [ALL PARTIES]: Tuesday 11/26, 1-2:15. Tech the box. Install, run cables for computer towers, projector, monitor, interior lights, and “go button” for the start of the scene.  Focus, adjust levels, measure distances etc.
STAGE 4 [NICOLE, IRINA, ANDREW (to deliver printed poster from shop)]: Create Poster for the poster presentation on December 4-5.
STAGE 5 [ALL PARTIES] December 4, morning: Set up box in Atrium basement along with poster.


November 10 Status

Dear Emerging Scholars,
Congratulations on a successful tech and shoot last week.  My actors commented that they thought your work was efficient and on par with professional standards.
We’ve completed a major stage of the project.  We still have a good deal of work left.  I would like the entire crew to meet at the Blue Studio in Voorhees on Tuesday from 1-2:15 this week to work on the box and discuss what still needs to be done.  I have a meeting until 1:30 — I will join you then.  But please begin work by testing the projector in the box.
For Tuesday:
Andrew: Have keys for access to Blue Studio. Make sure you bring the projector.
Irina: bring a few different images to project on the back for the test.
Nicole, Andrew, Mike: connect new monitor to computer tower and set on mount on lower lip of the box.  Bring second computer tower to connect to the projector.
Christian and Irina: Discuss when you can get together to edit film and score the scene (sound effects, music).
By December 3 (date of the Poster Session for the Emerging Scholars projects), we need to complete the following:
Test projector lumens.  Purchase new projector if not powerful enough.
Test projection wall — painted black or white?
Focus and mount projector on inner ceiling
Build monitor mount.
Paint outside of box (we will discuss best color/images — we should make it look like the outside of a purpose-built theater … yes?).
Build internal stage platform (thrust)
Edit scene for monitor projection.
Add sound effects and score to the scene
Create background scenery for projection
Mount speakers
Add cloth curtains and masking to hide wiring, projector, speakers, etc.
Build display tower (to house wiring and computers)
Set up control board for power, projector, monitor, sound, etc.
Submit receipts to David for refund
Complete OpenLab site: add production photos, interview videos, documents, etc.
Create poster for the Poster Presentation on December 3-4
If you can think of anything else, let me know.