April 29th Reading blog post – Stressed to Death

Everyone experiences some sort of stress, but it manifests differently for each person. In some cases, people become so stressed that it influences the way they physically feel.  Using at least some of the following words, please describe a circumstance in which you were so scared that you literally thought your health was at risk.  Word list:

acute,alert, chronic, close call, cope (with), crisis, ease tensions, exhaustion, fatigue, feel sorry for, frustration, get out of hand, haggard, impede, impulse, irritated, minimize the impact, overwhelmed, pick-me-up, relaxed, release pressure, relieve stress, scream, symptoms, take it easy, tranquility, trigger, turmoil, tune out.

5 thoughts on “April 29th Reading blog post – Stressed to Death

  1. In 2010 Haiti had an earthquake many people died. Therefore, many people had a chronic stress every time the earth trembles we were so scared and he thought it was another earthquake and that affect many people health.

  2. In recent days, I was sick badly. I suffered fever and cold. Luckily now i am fully recovered. Now we all know that coronavirus is affecting all over the world and New York is affected most. When I was sick, I was very scared and I thought I am also a victime of this invisible enemy (covid19). That time ease tension affect my health disease. For this stress my blood pressure incresae and I realized that that, this scary stress can risk of death. However, when I tested, the report is negative, but that stress affect my immunity power. This is my own experience and I realized that it can be risk of health.

  3. In recent days, I was sick badly. I suffered fever and cold. Luckily now i am fully recovered. Now we all know that coronavirus is affecting all over the world and New York is affected most. When I was sick, I was very scared and I thought I am also a victime of this invisible enemy (covid19). That time ease tension affect my health disease. For this stress my blood pressure incresae and I realized that that, this scary stress can risk of death. However, when I tested, the report is negative, but that stress affect my immunity power. This is my own experience and I realized that it can be risk of health.

  4. When I was about 8 years old, I went to learn swimming with my father. One day, I just finished three rounds swim in the swimming pool with my little life buoy and siting on the shore for take a break. When I was relaxing, my father pushed my into the pool! That was a crisis for me! I did not know how to swim and I did not put the life buoy on myself! At the begging, I was so scare but I can’t escaped from water. Maybe I was too young, I had never though I could just standup from the pool. However, I heard my said: “just moving up you hands and legs as usual!” Once I herd it, I started swim as I did usual. A few seconds later, I could clearly feel I Floating. That’s no time for me to feel happy because I can cope with breathe during swimming. My father speck up again, he told me that I can raise up my heat to breathe out of the water. In less than three minutes, I learned the skill of swimming. That is a crazy experience and it is unforgettable for me.

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