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journal entry 10

With my internship at Artwing almost over I looking back I feel I learned more then thought I would. When I first started I was really nervous this being my first time working in this type of working environment. Even though I plan on going into illustration work what I learned this semester will aid me well in the future. To learning how to behave in the workplace, To check your work more the once to be sure, that sometimes something can work more then once, and for me to kind in mind that not everyone has the same eye sight as myself and I must charge what I work on to accommodate for other people with normal eye sight. All of these lessons I will be sure to remember.

Also to those who have been keeping up with this blog thank you for reading and if you take away anything from this it should be this, you can never stop learning in life many experiences have good lessons to remember.



Journal Entry 9

Not much has happened of late, my internship is almost done and I have gotten used to the work place. Well there was a little something. As usual I came in sat down, settled in and got to work. I set up a few sample cards with the work of the photographers Mr. Greg and Mr. Naoto. For both sample card sets it were a little tricky putting them together. Some of the images were different sizes, some where a portrait size and some where landscape sized. I played around with the layouts a bit and in the end I settled on a horizontal layout for both sample sets. I handed it in to my supervisor and it was approved. From this I learned even if you get used to anything something will come up to challenge you and you must be ready to meet said challenge.

Journal Entry 8

This happened a week or two ago but I feel it’s worth mentioning. I came in and I was told that a few cards I had done where why too big, they were about 30 by 40 when they should have been 12 by 15 or less. So I fixed the problem by changing the sample cards to an 11 by 8 size. I noticed where I went wrong. I’m visually impaired and need things to be large to be able the see things better. On an earlier set of sample cards I made a mistake and left spaces between the images. I didn’t notice them and because the photoshop document was too small, and from then on I work on the cards in a bigger size. I got into that the habit of making the cards huge and I looked fine to me but I forgot it wouldn’t to everyone. From then on I always charge the size of the sample card before hand them in. I feel I learned a good lesson from this and will forget this again.


Journal Entry 7

Recently I have done a few sample cards that gave a good lesson. This was over the course of two weeks. Within two there were two sample cards that stood out to me. The first was a sample card I had to do used the images done by Mr. Visser. For this set I had to select seven images from his gallery. One of the cards I made was in a checker pattern layout. I showed it to Mr. Scott and he liked it but suggested I should make the images the same size to give this card more balance. I did so and handed it in to him.

artwing_lucas visser_set4-Recovered

For the second card I had to use images by Mr. Nicholas. For this set I did two cards one with vertical layout and the second with a horizontal layout. I handed the two in and Mr. Scott liked the horizontal card and wanted me to switch up the images. As I was working on fixing the card I thought about the card with the checker pattern. Quickly I made a sample card using this pattern and handed that in as well.

artwing_Nicholas Routzen_march16-set3

In the end Mr. Scott liked the checkered card more. What I learned from this is that sometimes something can work more then once.

Journal Entry 6

This week when I came in I had to make some sample cards from the work of Mr. Greg a photographer at artwing. I made 3 sample cards. I showed the cards to my supervisor. He didn’t rally like them. He told me that the none of them where working, the layout didn’t feel right and the photographer’s name was too big, also the logo was a bit too high. He said that I should do a new set of sample cards. I did as he said with a new layout and fixed the name and logo. Later I showed the new set to him and he liked the second set. What I learned from this is that just because someone dose not like the work you’ve done, it doesn’t mean you did a bad job. People have different tastes and ideas on what they feel works.


Journal Entry 5

This week I had some trouble with a sample card. When I came in I had to make three sample of some work done by one of the photographers. For the first and second sample cards I had to use nine images from the gallery on the website of any of the photographers. Then for the last card I was suppose to make a compilation of all the images of the two cards. The cards didn’t come out so well. So in the end I was given other images to try. I made a new card with these images. Mr. Scott liked this new card set.

bluecitytech2.jpg artwing_naoto Ikeda_ad set 2

It was a good lesson I learned that making a card with that many images is hard to organize and I need a bit of practice with this many images.


Journal Entry 4

Well lately nothing of note has happened I came in sat down and worked on a few sample cards of work done by Artwing’s photographers. For one of the cards I only had to use two images that looked amazing by the way. I did my best with the two images and handed it in, my supervisor liked it and that was it. I feel I am getting a hang of how the sample cards should be setup though.


Journal Entry 3

artwing_Nicholas Routzen card 7

I feel I’m getting the used to my working in an environment like this. I came in and I had to work on a few sample cards usually along with the images I place the artwing logo, there website right under the logo, and the photographer’s name. For this set I had to put (artwingny introduces) and I put the photographer’s name underneath that. I showed it to Mr. Scott and it was decide it would look better if it just said introducing instead of artwingny introducing. So I made the change and handed it in. I only really work alongside Mr. Scott and one other person. Both are friendly enough and patient with my questions. I always try to make sure I get what they want done right.

Journal Entry 2

I’m a week into my internship now. I made a mistake with one of the sample cards. I came in the next day Mr. Scott told me need to fix one of the sample cards.

Artwing_ tatsuro nishimura2.4

It turns out that one of the images on the card I made was flipped the wrong way the title was backwards. I correct the mistake and I gave it to Mr. Scott it was better. I apologized but he said not to worry at least we got to it in time before we sent it out and to just keep an eye out for these things. I was a little embarrassed but now I just see this as a good lesson to keep in mind “triple check your work for any errors no matter how small”. From this I feel I should pay more attention to detail. This will really be good for me to remember in the future.