Journal Entry 8

This happened a week or two ago but I feel it’s worth mentioning. I came in and I was told that a few cards I had done where why too big, they were about 30 by 40 when they should have been 12 by 15 or less. So I fixed the problem by changing the sample cards to an 11 by 8 size. I noticed where I went wrong. I’m visually impaired and need things to be large to be able the see things better. On an earlier set of sample cards I made a mistake and left spaces between the images. I didn’t notice them and because the photoshop document was too small, and from then on I work on the cards in a bigger size. I got into that the habit of making the cards huge and I looked fine to me but I forgot it wouldn’t to everyone. From then on I always charge the size of the sample card before hand them in. I feel I learned a good lesson from this and will forget this again.