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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Audeo dicere, inquit. Quid, cum fictas fabulas, e quibus utilitas nulla elici potest, cum voluptate legimus? Piso igitur hoc modo, vir optimus tuique, ut scis, amantissimus. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Ubi ut eam caperet aut quando? Itaque ab his ordiamur. Equidem etiam Epicurum, in physicis quidem, Democriteum puto. Et ille ridens: Video, inquit, quid agas; Restinguet citius, si ardentem acceperit. Qui autem esse poteris, nisi te amor ipse ceperit? Quid enim mihi potest esse optatius quam cum Catone, omnium virtutum auctore, de virtutibus disputare?

Tibi hoc incredibile

Quis enim potest ea, quae probabilia videantur ei, non probare? At ille non pertimuit saneque fidenter: Istis quidem ipsis verbis, inquit; Cyrenaici quidem non recusant; Certe non potest. Atqui pugnantibus et contrariis studiis consiliisque semper utens nihil quieti videre, nihil tranquilli potest. At, illa, ut vobis placet, partem quandam tuetur, reliquam deserit.

Primum quid tu dicis breve? Eadem nunc mea adversum te oratio est. Ita ne hoc quidem modo paria peccata sunt. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. An dubium est, quin virtus ita maximam partem optineat in rebus humanis, ut reliquas obruat?

Tibi hoc incredibile, quod beatissimum. Non quaeritur autem quid naturae tuae consentaneum sit, sed quid disciplinae. At Zeno eum non beatum modo, sed etiam divitem dicere ausus est. Alterum significari idem, ut si diceretur, officia media omnia aut pleraque servantem vivere. Omnia peccata paria dicitis. Cur igitur, inquam, res tam dissimiles eodem nomine appellas? Ut alios omittam, hunc appello, quem ille unum secutus est. Nos commodius agimus. Mihi, inquam, qui te id ipsum rogavi? Qui-vere falsone, quaerere mittimus-dicitur oculis se privasse;


The boomslang (Dispholidus typus) is a large, highly venomous snake in the family Colubridae.

Taxonomy and etymology

Dispholidus typus is the only species in its genus, although several species and subspecies have been described in the past. Its common name means “tree snake” in Afrikaans and Dutch[3] – boom meaning “tree” (a cognate of “beam“, like German Baum, “tree”), and slang meaning “snake” (cf. German Schlange, saDispholidus typus is the only species in its genus, although several species and subspecies have been described in the past. Its common name means “tree snake” in Afrikaans and Dutch[3] – boom meaning “tree” (a cognate of “beam“, like German Baum, “tree”), and slang meaning “snake” (cf. German Schlange, same meaning). In Afrikaans, the name is pronounced [ˈbuΙ™mslaΕ‹]. The boomslang is thought to be closely related to members of the generaThelotornis, Thrasops, Rhamnophis, and Xyelodontophis, with which it forms the taxonomic tribe Dispholidini.


The average adult boomslang is 100–160 centimetres (3.3–5.2 ft) in total length. Some exceed 183 centimetres (6.00 ft). The eyes are exceptionally large, and the head has a characteristic egg-like shape. Coloration is very variable. Males are light green with black or blue scale edges, but adult females may be brown.[6]

Weight varies from 175 to 510 g (0.386 to 1.124 lb), with an average weight of 299.4 g (0.660 lb).[7]

In this species, the head is distinct from the neck and the canthus rostralis is distinct. The pupil of the very large eye is round. The boomslang has excellent eyesight and often moves its head from side to side to get a better view of objects directly in front. The maxillary teeth are small anteriorly, seven or eight in number, followed by three very large, grooved fangs situated below each eye. The mandibular teeth are subequal. The body is slightly compressed. The dorsal scales are very narrow, oblique, strongly keeled, with apical pits, arranged in 19 or 21 rows. The tail is long, and the subcaudals are paired. Ventrals are 164–201; the anal plate is divided; and the subcaudals are 91–131.

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