Curriculum Vitae

Viviana Vladutescu,PhD
Assistant Professor
Voorhees Bldg, Room V740
186th Jay Street,Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718 260 4915/5300


The Graduate Center of  The City University of  New York

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, Photonics and Remote Sensing,May 2008

The Graduate Center of  The City University of  New York

MPh in Electrical Engineering, Optics and Remote Sensing                                              2007

The City University of City University of New York

M.S. in Electrical Engineering,                                                                                                2006

Faculty of  Electrotechnics, Polytechnic University of Bucharest

B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Major: Metrology,                                                                1999



Graduate Assistant Fellowship awarded by The Graduate  School and University

Center  of  The City University of  New York                                                            2006-2008

Robert E. Gilleece Fellowship awarded by The Graduate  School and University

Center  of  The City University of  New York,                                                            2002-2006

Graduation Teaching Certificate, Department of Electrical Engineering

Polytechnic University of  Bucharest,                                                                                     1999

Science Scholarship, Polytechnic University of Bucharest,                                          1993



Visiting Scientist

Brookhaven National Laboratory/DOE, Upton, NY 2010-Present

During the research period I focused on the design and alignment of the optical system of a photothermal interferometer used for measuring the light absorption cross section of BC (black carbon) in the atmosphere. All sensitivity analysis were performed in lab. As part of a FAST (Faculty and Student Teams) Program, myself and my students also participated in an IOP (intensive observational period) of physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosols at Brookhaven National Laboratory. These parameters were measured over a period of 10 weeks. During this campaign 4 sea-tainers loaded with more than 20 environmental instruments performed measurements of the above mentioned aerosol properties. Our team’s responsibility was to install, configure and perform data reduction with and from an MFRSR instrument and further perform inter-comparisons between the aerosol optical depth collected with this instrument and a Cimel sunphotometer and respectively Microtops II Ozone and Sunphotometers.

Doctoral Research / Research Assistant,:

Photonics/ Remote Sensing  Laboratory, City College of The City University of New York, CCNY/CUNY,                                                                                                             2002- Present

My research work primarily focused on atmospheric monitoring using a LIDAR system in 5 wavelenghts for measuring the aerosol properties using Mie (355nm, 532nm, 1064nm) and Raman(387nm, 407nm) channels. This involved development of the optical system required for LIDAR outdoor measurement of the backscattering and extinction coefficients, conducting analysis to evaluate aerosol properties in the atmosphere  and calibrations of the system for the validation of the measurements. The hygroscopic properties of aerosols have been investigated and a hygroscopic model returning the optical properties of hygroscopic aerosols has been developed. Sensitivity analyses performed on the models resulted in the model ability of identifying unknown atmospheric states that have being explored. Currently I am working on developing a model that allows for the retrieval of the atmospheric optical parameters based on data fusion from various instruments. Comparisons and validations are performed against the CMAQ model and lidar instrument located at CCNY. All the lidar data analyses are made using MATLAB and data collection is done with Labview. My research also involved operating, maintaining and coordinating measurements of a Fourier Transform Interferometer (FTIR) for monitoring greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. The FTIR uses an AutoQuant Pro Interface. The FTIR measurements were performed at both CCNY and Princeton University. For  validations of the measurements we used several instruments among which I would list the Eddy covariance station (for carbon dioxide) installed at the Princeton campus, meterological station measurements (for water vapor in the atmosphere) and various other hand held instruments (for ozone and carbon dioxide). In the data analysis process we used Hitran database to determine atmospheric concentrations of trace gases.  The work in the laboratory also included the design of an inexpensive, compact hyperspectral Planar Fabry Perot (PFP) land and ocean imager in conjunction with filters, conventional CCD detectors, and the system of lenses to accomplish spatial-spectral filtering over the visible /near infrared (VIS/NIR) band important for satellite imaging applications and outdoor measurements of the atmosphere. My work also involved analyses of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite data to determine cloud heights, temperature using Matlab program and Linux platform of operation. From my work as a PhD student, I would like to mention here the one conducted under the coordination of the chief scientists at Northrop Grumman, Antony DiNardo. The exposure I had in the Earth Remote Sensing and Space Surveillance System was extremely valuable. Learning about Radiative Transfer, Earth Views And Top-Level Sensor Design, Resolvable And Irresolvable Sources And Targets, Energy on Detector (EOD) And Phasing, Sensor Spectral Selection , Noise, Signal Processing as Limited by Space Environments, Statistical Approach to systems understanding , Sensor Forms: Scanner And Starer, Pixel Formation, Resolution And Line- Of-Sight Determination  and Space Surveillance System Engineering deepened my passion for working as a system engineering for a space agency.

A summary of some of the instruments used in the research are:

–        LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging ) system for measuring of the aerosol distribution using Mie and Raman channels(uses Matlab and Labview)

–        Analyzed, operated and simulated mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Laser systems for simultaneous atmospheric ozone and ammonia measurements using DOAS (Differential optical absorption spectroscopy) spectroscopy

–        Mid-infrared MIDAC spectrometer (Fourier Transform Interferometer) to determine the concentration of different ambient greenhouse gases, temperature, water vapor retrieval using AutoQuant Pro, GRAMS AI, Matlab and Fortran software(Genspec);

–        MFRSR (Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer)  to measure the solar radiation using Yesdas software.

–        Cimel Sunphotometer CE318 (Matlab)  for solar radiation measurements in different bands.

–        TSI Scanning mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (SMPS) and tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)for particle distribution and respectively concentration

Electrical Engineer / Technical Advisor Testing Laboratory for Type and Reliability, MILTON IMPEX SRL, Bucharest, Romania;                                          1995-2001

–        Supervised the measuring and testing process,

–        Issued certified bulletins on electro-security standards for different devices and apparatus produced and imported in Romania by Kenwood, General Electrics, Panasonic and other Romanian and abroad manufacturers.


Assistant Professor

New York City College of Technology of the City University of  New York,

Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering Technology Department   2008- Present

As a full time professor I have been exposed to a wide variety of responsibilities including teaching, participating in different departmental and college wide committees (i.e. Dean Search Committee, ABET Accreditation Committee, EET-Electrical Engineering Technology Committee, College Council Curriculum Committee, etc), update existing courses (Electronics, Autocad, Matlab, Telecommunications) and develop new courses and laboratories (Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing (Special Topics), Sensors and Instrumentation), participate in college wide seminars and workshops and be an active member of the academic community.

The classes taught at NYCCT are

Electrical Drafting (AutoCAD), Digital Electronics, Circuit Analysis, Electronics, Electronics laboratory, Introduction to Telecommunications, Telecommunication Network Management, Emerging Telecommunications Technology

Adjunct Professor

City College of The City University of New York, Electrical Engineering Department                                                                                                                                                 2002- Present

The teaching involves lecturing and preparing the material for

Electromagnetics, Introduction to Antenna and Fiber Optics, Measurement Laboratory, Computer aided analyses tools for engineers (MATLAB), Teaching assisted Photonic Engineering, Probability & Stochastic Processes and Linear Systems

La Guardia Community College (LAGCC/CUNY), Mathematics  Department, 2003-2008

As an active lecturer within the department I have been teaching

Linear Algebra, Statistics I & II, Precalculus, Mathematics and the Modern World, Mathematics for Health Science, Mathematics in Action and College Algebra and Trigonometry. Being an active participant in the Center for Teaching and Learning seminars that offered a wide range of classroom-focused professional development programs I had the chance to give my students the opportunity to understand mathematics through the SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) approach. The SENCER project is promoting mathematical and statistical reasoning in compelling contexts under the umbrella of environmental sciences. Another important teaching tool used in the mathematics classes was the  implementation of e-Portfolio as a new technique that offered the students to collect, select and reflect on their work over the years as students at LAGCC and not only.


Comments from Students

-Definitely one of the best professors. She explains things very well, she is clear, she knows the material and what’s most important she cares about her students. She is always available to answer your questions and she is understanding in case you have any problems. Her exams are reasonable, she gives credit if you show that you know what your doing.

-This professor is into her work and thus makes the course very interesting. EE330 is a very involved: your Physics, Calc, Chem. and “imagination” have to be in tip-top shape if you want to be challenged and receive a good grade. 1-semester is definitely not enough for any professor to cover this course. IT WAS A WONDERFUL SEMESTER PROF.THANKS AND GOOD LUCK!!



  • “High Spatial Spectral Resolution VIS-NIR Scanning Fabry Perot Imager for Geostationary spaceborne applications”, Viviana Vladutescu, Mustapha Abdulfattah, Fred Moshary, Barry Gross, Photon 04 Conference , Glasgow Caledonian  University, Glasgow , UK, September 6– 9,2004
  • “Analysis of a Dual Etalon Fabry Perot Cavity for application in a Geostationary Coastal Water Imager”, Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, Fred Moshary, Barry Gross, Samir Ahmed, 12th International Symposium, Remote Sensing  Conference, SPIE Europe, Bruges, Belgium, September 19-22, 2005
  • “System Design of a Multiple Cavity Fabry Perot Interferometer for Visible, NIR Applications”, Viviana Vladutescu, Fred Moshary, Barry Gross, Samir Ahmed , Einstein Conference, City College of City University of New York, New York, USA, April 11-12, 2005
  • “DOAS Spectroscopy using a tunable MIR QCL for simultaneous Ozone and Ammonia detection” Viviana Vladutescu, Barry Gross,Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, Mirth, Annual Midterm Review, Princeton, NJ,USA, November 14th ,2006
  • ”Water vapor mixing ratio used in lidar calibration technique” Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Leona Charles, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, The 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Remote Sensing (Remote’06), December 16-18, 2006
  • “Analyses_of_Raman_lidar_calibration_techniques_based_on_water_vapor_mixing ratio measurements” DanielaViviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Leona Charles, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 4, Volume 6, April 2007
  • “Application of CCNY LIDAR and ceilometers to the study of aerosol transport and PM2.5 monitoring”, Leona A. Charles, Shuki Chaw, Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Fred Moshary, Barry Gross, Stanley D. Gedzelman, Sam Ahmed, The 87th AMS Annual Meeting, Third Symposium on Lidar Atmosperic Applications, San Antonio, TX, USA January 13-18 ,2007
  • “Raman lidar calibration techniques based on daytime-nighttime measurements” Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Leona Charles, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, 2007 CUNY Conference in Science and Engineering, New York, NY, USA, February 23-24, 2007
  • “Application of CCNY LIDAR to the study of aerosol transport”, Leona Charles, Shuki Chaw, Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Fred Moshary, Barry Gross, and Samir Ahmed, ESS/GEO Session, 2007 Joint Annual Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists, February 21-25, 2007, Boston, MA.
  • “Lower troposphere water vapor measurements using a Raman lidar, GPS and  radiosondes data fusion ” Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, , Barry Gross, Yonghua Wu, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed PRISM/PCCM/MIRTHE University –Industry Research Symposium, Princeton, NJ, USA, March  19-20,2007
  • “Examination of hygroscopic properties of aerosols using a combined multiwavelength Elastic –Raman lidar” Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Leona Charles, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed IGARSS, Barcelona, Spain, July 23-27, 2007
  • “Properties of aerosol hygroscopicity using a combined elastic-Raman lidar, GPS and nephelometer” Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Leona Charles, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, Ca, USA, August 26-30, 2007
  • “Assessment of a QCL Laser approach for the simultaneous measurement of ambient ammonia and ozone.” Barry Gross, Viviana Vladutescu, Fred Moshary, Sam Ahmed., Infrared, Mid-IR, and THz Technologies for Health and the Environment II, SPIE Optics East, Boston, MA, Sept. 2007
  • “Sensitivity of optical scattering coefficients to the hygroscopic properties of aerosols” Daniela      Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Leona Charles, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed in     preparation for , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
  • “Raman-Mie lidar measurements of low and optically thin cloud” Yonghua Wu, Chaw Shuki, Barry Gross, Viviana Vladutescu, Charles Leona, Cao Nianwen, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, August 26-30, 2007
  • “Aerosol layer properties and their effect on optical depth relations to PM2.5 concentrations” V. Vladutescu, J. Diaz, L. Charles, B. Gross,F. Moshary, S. Ahmed. IGARSS 2008, Boston, MA, July 6-10, 2008
  • “Urban aerosol backscatter properties based on Raman lidar and parametric coefficient models”, Viviana Vladutescu, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, 89th AMS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 11-16, 2009
  • “CMAQ validation of optical parameters and PM2.5 based on lidar and sky radiometers. A sensitivity study of optical parameters to hygroscopic aerosols” Daniela Viviana Vladutesc, Erica Garafolo, Barry Gross,  Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA,  2-6 August 2009
  • “Atmospheric trace gases concentrations measurements using open path FTIR ”, Daniela Viviana Vladutescu, Maung Lwin, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, CLEO-IQEC, Baltimore, Maryland, May 31-June 5, 2009
  • “Lidar, TEOM and sunphotometer measurements and model reconstructed atmospheric aerosol optical properties” Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed SPIE Defense Security and Sensing, Orlando, Florida, USA April 5-9, 2010
  • “Optical properties of aerosols in NYC coastal area”, Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Barry Gross, Mohammed Razani, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, EARSel 5th Workshop on Remote Sensing of the  Coastal  Zone, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1-3, 2011
  • “Remote Sensing Instruments used for Measurement and Model Validation of Optical Parameters of Atmospheric Aerosols”, Viviana Vladutescu, Yonghua Wu, Barry Gross, Mohammed Razani, Fred Moshary, Samir Ahmed, Reginald Blake, Mohammad Razani, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, January 2011


  • PSC_CUNY grant (PSC-CUNY 40)  PI  (granted)

Title: Urban aerosol backscatter properties based on Raman lidar and parametric coefficient models. Funding Agency: PSC CUNY     Budget:$2392.40 Application date: 10/21/2010 . Start date: 07/01/ 2009, Funding Period: 12 months

  • PSC_CUNY grant (PSCREG-41-128)  PI  (granted)

Title: CMAQ validation of optical Parameters and PM2.5 based on lidar and sky radiometers (Granted). Funding Agency: PSC CUNY     Budget:$2392.40 Application date: 10/21/2010. Start date: 07/01/ 2010, Funding Period: 12 months

  • GRTI CUNY  PI (Granted)

Title : Urban aerosol optical properties based on measurements and climate models.

Funding: $44892; Funding Period: June 2010-June 2011; Role  of faculty member : PI

  • OEDG NSF Co PI (Granted)

Title : Creating and Sustaining Diversity in the Geo-Sciences among Students and Teachers in the Urban Coastal Environment of New York City. Funding: $186,194; Funding Period: August 2011-August 2013; Role  of faculty member :Co PI



  • Space Mission Analyses and Design
  • Optical sensors and components for environmental applications and target detection
  • Operating Software of different space and land based instruments
  • Simulation Applications
  • Continue monitoring atmospheric gases and aerosols: LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging ) systems, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Quantum cascade lasers, Fabry Perot Interferometery for visible and near infrared, Trimble Zefir and Trimble 5700 GPS for surface weather measurements, MFR-7 Shadowband Radiometer, Cimel Sunphotometer CE318, Ceilometer, space borne instruments used in environmental monitoring and target detection (MODIS)


  • Leadership: Innovative and creative in research. A very good team player as well as a team leader.
  • Optics: very good understanding and conducting experiments involving various optical components and instruments
  • Programming Languages: MATLAB, Labview, IGOR, Pascal, Maple,
  • Operating Programs, HYDRA, ArcGIS, Zemax, Optikwerks Autoquant, GRAMS AI, SPSS, Autocad, Yesdas,
  • Data Acquisition using Parallel and Serial Interfaces – HP IB, GB IB and RS232, Labview cards
  • Languages: Romanian (native), English (fluent)


  • Co-editor EARSel  Epreeceedings of European Remote Sensing Laboratories
  • Reviewer IEEE-Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements
  • Reviewer of AMS Journal of  Atmospheric Oceanic Technology
  • Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE)
  • Member, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(SPIE)
  • Member, New York Academy of Sciences(NYAS)


  • Available upon request


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