Discussions Intro

Assignments – “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn

When Mike Bunn states that “You are already an author.”, his speaking on how in your day to day life, whether it be writing an essay or writing a letter, you already made the choice and author has made in his writing. you are constantly making choices on how a pieces you’re writing should flow. Having written countless of essays throughout my educational path, I can agree with what he is saying. There’s where I purposely choose to included different writing strategies to send a point home, even with me knowing all of that, this is the first time I hear the term “reading like a writer”. Maybe subconsciously I have borrowed writing techniques that I’ve seen in book and article that I have read, but it was never something that I was actively looking out for. I personally feel like moving forward I will definitely be more aware of the writing strategies to borrow them and implement them in my own writing, one writing technique that Bunn use that I would like to implement in my writing is the way “broke” away from his own ideas to quote another person and made what said person it’s own part in the essay. Another thing in particular is how he separated his ideas into what I could describe as section and he titled them as well from what I can remember I never titled different section of my writing, it was always pick a topic write 3-5 paragraphs supporting your idea and end it there, so I do look forward to separating my idea into their own sections to make writing easier for my so I could focus on one idea per section, makes writing and reader at easier. Overall, I believe this was a great read to start off the semester, there’s definitely a lot of strategies that I will take with me moving forward in this class.

Discussions Intro

Assignment – week 2

  • When Mike Bunn wrote “You are already an author” in his article, I believe he is saying that we have a built in advantage when we read like a writer. It means that we can better recognize the different choices and techniques used by the writer and what effect it has on us as readers.  By doing this we can decide whether or not we would like to incorporate these techniques into our own writing materials.  Another important suggestion in Bunn’s article was making notes and highlighting while you read – this can help with ideas or material that you would like to use for your own writing. Also he mentions that after writing notes, you can ask yourself questions such as what techniques the writer uses, whether or not it was effective and what would be the advantages and disadvantages if you used these techniques in your own writing.
  • Some of the things I write in my everyday life include class discussions, essays, text messages, emails, product reviews, taking class notes, among a few.   After reading Bunn’s article, I will most definitely try to pay closer attention to the choices and techniques used by writers in various materials that I read and also examine the effect it has on me as a reader. I will in turn try to use these  in my everyday writing, whether it is an email or text message, class discussion, assignments and hopefully this can help tremendously to improve my overall college reading and writing.
  • I noticed that in Bunn’s article he started off with a bit of humor  when he said “I had no intention of dying in a bright red tuxedo”, that statement had me laughing really hard and that made me want to read more. His article was a really good read!
Discussions Intro

Jonathan Pallares – “How to Read Like a Writer”

In The Article “How to Read Like a Writer”, Mike Bunn tells us that we are already authors, what Mike Bunn means by this is that we all write and use words in our everyday lives and this in his views is considered authorship. Whether it is texting on the phone, making a post on social media, writing an essay, or taking notes like I did for this assignment; these are just some examples of how we use words in our everyday lives. In The article “How to Read Like a Writer”, Mike Bunn reflects on the importance of the connection between reading and writing such as how reading in a particular manner can make you a better writer. An example of this is reading like a writer. The Main goal of reading like a writer is to help identify the choices made by the author (ranging from the overall structure to single words) and the effect it has on a reader; this allows us to have a better understanding and incorporate it into our own writing. This existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing career by allowing me to expand my vocabulary and become a better writer as I use words in my everyday life. The article “How to Read Like a Writer” will also help me in my college reading and writing career by challenging me to think critically while reading and question what choices the author makes and how these choices affect me as a reader. One thing that I noticed in Bunn’s article that I would like to try to incorporate in my own writing is that in the article there were many questions and as a reader it made it interesting as it gave me many different ideas and topics to think about as I was reading the article.

English Notes