Unit 3 Weekly Assignments

3 Possible Genre

In creating a new genre of written or audio for my title question, what contributes to homelessness in the United States?  One of the options I would attempt is speaking as an advocator to the senate.  My speech will be gear around requesting more funding and affordable housing for the Homeless population.  As I talk to the senate, I will use compassion and concern for the homeless population; however, towards the end of my speech present data that display how the lack of funding and support from the government creative homeless for many Americans. As I address the senate, I also encourage them to evaluate the current policy and introduce new methods to help the homeless with increased funding and programs from the government.

Another method I can use as a different genre is a Podcast.  In my Podcast format, it would be designed as an open discussion, with someone asking questions regarding the growing issue of homelessness and some solutions we can do as a country to reduce it.  In the open forum, we will start at the problems that cause homelessness and how we can implement measures to reduce homelessness.  In the Podcast, I would identify some of the issues and solutions to rectify the ongoing problem with homelessness. The Podcast will target the audience would Social Service workers, Human Service workers, and government officials of the United Sates.

Because a lack of funding is a critical issue with resolving homelessness, my last genre will be to target big corporations, fortune 500 companies, the wealthy, and the rich to donate funds to help with funding to help the homeless population.  I will use a gala format to attracted people.  At the gala presents a speech that displays the affects homelessness and how donated funding can help resolve this growing problem in the United States.

Discussions Unit 3

3 possible “New Genres”

My unit 2 topic is about the Covid-19 Pandemic and its mental Health Impact on Children and Adolescents. I believe that this topic is a profoundly serious and important one and though I think my main target audiences are parents and health care providers, I do believe that as many people as possible should know about this issue.

I think writing this research information in a parent magazine or a newspaper health section for example would be quite effective as parents are one of my main target audiences. This magazine article will inform them about the symptoms to look out for in children who are experiencing stress and anxiety and different ways to help alleviate the stress. This would be a better genre as it most likely will reach my target audience. Magazine or newspaper articles hold a more objective point of view as opposed to a traditional essay which hold more of a subjective impression.

My second genre could be a podcast where this could potentially reach not only parents of young children but also health care professions and government agencies who can help support young people who are experiencing mental health issue. This genre again would be a lot more effective than a traditional essay as this important information would be able to reach more if not all my target audiences.

The Third genre that I can use is an interview with a Clinical Psychologist. This person would highlight the mental problems that young people are facing due to the pandemic and provide evidence of that impact and provide ways to help reduce stress in kids. This interview can then be posted on social media where there is a wider target audience. A video interview will be more effective than a traditional essay as again it will be able to reach a wider target audience as well.

Unit 3

“New Genre”

Thinking of three genres is pretty difficult for my topic in my opinion. Since for my essay topic, the main point of it was to try to educate my audience to create some kind of change, a traditional essay is probably one of the more effective genres to try to convince my audience. My topic dealt with the topic of sexism in the gaming community, examples of it, the causes, real life-examples, and ways to change it.

If there were any alternative types of genres that I would use to try to convince my audience, I guess something like an interview in a magazine article would be a decent choice. I could interview a female involved in the gaming scene who is familiar with the prejudices in the community. This would make it more personal, making it more interesting to read and would provide a good insight about the experiences people go through. She could also give personal opinions on how to help create change in community as well.

The second type of genre I would consider would probably be a podcast. In my opinion, a podcast is kind of like an interview – just with less structure. Interviews have a more ridged format of question and answers while podcasts can have a more light-hearted mood to it, which would probably appeal to the target demographic more. There could be a female guest on the podcast and they can share their own experiences, similarly to the interview.

The last type of genre I would probably use is a an informative video. Since the target audience of this is probably a more younger-tech-savvy audience, I highly doubt many would be reading magazine articles or listening podcasts. By making an informative video, not only can I include clips of gameplay including these negative interactions within gamers to draw in and keep the audience entertained, I could include pictures and graphs of statistics to relay important information in a way that’s quick and easy to process. This genre would be the most appropriate and fitting for my audience, but would be the most time consuming and difficult to make.