Unit 1

Navigating genres/ Learning to read- Nicholas Contrada

My relationship with education starts in first grade, as that is the earliest memory I have of my education. I’m still friends with a lot of the people that were in that class. In particular one of my best friends who I still talk too every day. We started off on the wrong foot if I remember correctly an ended up not liking each other for the first half of the school year. Until we eventually became friends and started helping each other out with our schoolwork. We would go over each others houses and do projects together and our friendship grew. Middle school came and he later went on to become an honors student, leaving me for dead. I think at this point in time is when my education and knowledge for understanding peaked. As I was always with my friend working together, I was now on my own, forced to expand my mind. I found my self participating more and even getting higher grades, as a result of trying to compete with my friend. I never made honors society but throughout middle school I maintained an eighty eight average. When high school came I believed I was well prepared now carrying over confidence from middle school. I did well freshman year, not so much the other three years. However I did do well in some classes. In result to this I personally feel I know my learning type. I know when I’m doing well in a class, and when not based on how I personally learn. So even though I didn’t exceed high expectations throughout high school I walked away with something positive. I know my learning type, I know what questions to ask to help me understand better, I know what I have to see to understand something better, and I know what I have to do to self improve in a class now. Every one understands things differently, but not everyone knows how to comprehend things to understand better. Everyone has a different story about there relationship with education but that’s mine.

Weekly Assignments

Backpacks and briefcases/ Mother Tounge- Nicholas Contrada

A genre that I find myself mostly involved in is podcast. I usually listen to podcast while working, or driving. One podcast in particular is The Joe Rogan Experience. His podcast span anywhere from thirty minutes long to three hours. Depending on how important or famous the person being interviewing is, the show usually last longer, like Elon Musk or Bernie Sanders. What I tend to enjoy about his podcast is even though he is on such a large platform with so much influence, Joe and his interviewee just talk like if they were by themselves. No holding back and they don’t have to be professional. So its cool to see these people cursing, or being funny, or even having a drink with Joe when your use to seeing them on a professional level. Not one of his podcast are the same. Each show has a different tone directed toward the viewer. If he has someone with a political background on the show could be quite informative, like Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard. The questions he asks and the tone he uses to these people is on more of a serious side. Compared to people like Joey Diaz or Dave Chappelle where he would just joke around with them, or tell stories. What makes this genre what it is, is that there is no major companies involved with podcast (for the most part.) Its usually a small team just uploading videos to youtube, or spotify, with no influence from corporate America. So there not mandated to act a certain way, or talk about certain things, its just people in their true form talking, and that’s what I think separates podcast as a genre from others. After having read the article I think the genre is auto-biography. The author talks about her life and how it is effected by the English language. She mentions how English effected her school life negatively, but she had positive interactions with the language as well, like when she was pretending to be her mother on the phone.


How To Read Like A Writer by Mike Bunn- Nicholas Contrada

In the article How To Read Like a Writer by Mike Bunn, he states “you are already an author.” To anyone reading this article this can mean a couple of different things, it all depends on the reader themselves. It depends on their personality and the way the individual percepts things. The reader takes this statement and bases it off their everyday actions. For example a journalist would comprehend this as them making a news headline, and how the words they use grabs the attention of the reader, Mike Bunn considers them and author. Or a Quarterback in football calling a play. He uses his voice to come up with sentences that everyone on the field understands, and everyone knows what job they have to do during the play. Small things like this in our everyday lives fly right over our heads, but what we don’t realize is that these are all forms of authorship, and that’s what Mike Bunn means by this statement. We are all authors everyday by writing text messages, or emails or even writing an assignment such as this. I personally consider myself an author because I have two jobs. In my full time job I write a lot of emails all day to my boss or contractors, or even writing a summary of the days work for my boss to see what I accomplished that day. My other job is being a barber where I text my clients everyday making appointments and working around each others schedule so they can come and see me. It may not seem like a lot, but there’s a ton of effort on both sides of the phone trying to find the right time that works for one another. Sometimes I even send a group text out to all my clients giving my schedule for the week. I believe this will help me be an author throughout college because, writing emails and text like these all day help me be professional, they help me get my point across, and they help me get the job done, which I personally believe are three major keys to writing essays or assignments. One thing Bunn mentions in the article is “what are the advantages and disadvantages of starting with a quote (on page 73)” and he follows that up with what are some pros and cons of the quote? Or whos attention are you trying to grab? I like to use this in my writing, such as this essay because it gets the point across right away. It makes a statement, which you then follow up on grabbing the readers attention, and that’s something I plan on using this semester.