Portfolio & Reflection

Final Reflection

Throughout the course of the class, I learned a lot on how to manage my writing and how to use elements from others and incorporated them into my writing, beginning with my “Education And Me” essay. In this essay i was able to reflect back on the many years of education that i have put in and the amount of pressure my family put on me to able to succeed and be someone in my life and in theirs, For my Unit 2 I took a topic that i’m very passion it about and decided to help other by using them numbers of the amount of people that are unable to continue living due the someone or even their own mistakes and go deeper into this by providing 3 sources and and using them to explain how these small “i’ll just have one more drink” mistake and lead to accident that affect the family of many. For Unit 3, I took my Unit 2 and gave it a more eye – appealing formula that has worked for many people before me. This formula includes using small graphics accompanied by facts that help information stay with much longer as opposed to reading a scientific journal on why drunk driving is bad. For this final reflection I went to my openlab dashboard and re-read all of my past work and took it and saw how this class improved my writing.

Unit 3

Artist’s Statement – Final Draft

I picked drunk driving as my topic question because with the advancement of self-driving cars and plenty of drivers aid, i feel like human will start giving up control when they allow a car to drive it self not only is this a big problem it cause people to “let loose” more because they feel that the car has it under control when in reality the person in the driver sit always has full control because if the driver aid doesn’t know what do it going to fall back on the human whether the human is able to safely drive or now. Regardless of that, the reality of these numbers is that someone also lost their life because of a mistake that could have been avoided.

I chose to do an infographic because the majority of deaths are with the 18s or 20s drivers, this is caused because of a lack of experience young drivers have and feeling of being overconfident that they are the best driver on the road, of course this isn’t true. i urge of my fellow young drivers to take the extremely easy precaution of getting an Uber or a Taxi Service home. The price is miniscule compared to your life. one of the reason i feel like a infographic will help convey the message to younger drivers is because its eye catching and gives you large amount of info in a short amount of time, it also can be spread very easily due to the fact that alot of the services that young adult are able to accommodate any type of infographic and due the large scale of social media providers, they could push the message very far and within seconds.

This method of can be seen alot special in youtube channels like “Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell” they used animated infographic to grab the attention of their audience and alot of their video don’t surpass the 13 minute mark keeping their audience engaged throughout the video. Another example of this is the “The Infographics Show” they have pretty much the make traits as Kurzgesagt short, very visual video that grab your attention and leave you hooked for around 10 minutes. I saw that the formula worked so i decided to apply it to my own information that i gather while make the bibliography.

Unit 3 Weekly Assignments

Unit 3 Genre

My topic was about the danger of driving drunk and the measure put in places to prevent that. Many young drivers are putting their own life at risk by driving under the influence but it seems that some are willing to take that risk just to get home. Unknowingly, they could be driving towards the grave. Since my target audience would be young drivers, i feel like the best to convey the message would be with an infographic it’s something that is short which would help with not dragging on to long that i lose that audience focus, infographics also tend to be colorful and eye catching so that would help with getting their attention in the first places, I feel like the best place to put the infographics would be as social media ads. Millions of young adults use social media every day so it’s a no-brainer that the best way to get the message to that specific audience. For the older people, ads in a website with an older audience could be used, like Facebook, or even a newspaper site. Another form could be a podcast, usually when I listen to a podcast I’ll  be in a car or walking, which there’s not better place to learn about the dangers of drunk driving then while you are driving, podcasts are really good in terms of getting information out and proving a good back story to really drive the point across.