
Shitty First Draft- Analissa Netram

In Lamott’s writing she stated that all good writers must have a first drafts that isn’t the best hence the name shitty first drafts,this helps them to get their thoughts out and later make sense of it when writing their second draft.Most of the time when I am assigned to write and essay or paper I get very frustrated trying to think about what to write,how to put my thoughts into words that would make sense to the readers.This is one process i would try to more effort into writing a first draft when I am doing more writing assignments.This process should allow us to think more about what we are writing and use all of our ideas and make sense of it.



How to read like a writer

          In Mike Bunn article he wrote about us being authors already, which is true.Everything we write such as paragraphs ,essays ,our thoughts ,our responses to questions makes us authors/writer.Everyday we are given tasks that require us to read or write.Homework, emails ,essays  and even text messages require us to think and respond. Reading more would allow us to extend our writing skills especially in college, one way it would help us is by reading other author work and practicing some of their techniques can make us better writers.When I write and essay or response to a question I think too much rather than just respond how I would in an email or a simple text to a friend.

Some things I notice in Mike Bunn article that I would like to try is try to relate myself to what I am writing about, read not just for informations but of ones own will but also you need to read like a writer to understand some of the context of the reading.One last thing id I would try to ask more questions to keep readers interested and wanting to find the answer to the question.