Discussions Unit 3

3 possible “New Genres”

My unit 2 topic is about the Covid-19 Pandemic and its mental Health Impact on Children and Adolescents. I believe that this topic is a profoundly serious and important one and though I think my main target audiences are parents and health care providers, I do believe that as many people as possible should know about this issue.

I think writing this research information in a parent magazine or a newspaper health section for example would be quite effective as parents are one of my main target audiences. This magazine article will inform them about the symptoms to look out for in children who are experiencing stress and anxiety and different ways to help alleviate the stress. This would be a better genre as it most likely will reach my target audience. Magazine or newspaper articles hold a more objective point of view as opposed to a traditional essay which hold more of a subjective impression.

My second genre could be a podcast where this could potentially reach not only parents of young children but also health care professions and government agencies who can help support young people who are experiencing mental health issue. This genre again would be a lot more effective than a traditional essay as this important information would be able to reach more if not all my target audiences.

The Third genre that I can use is an interview with a Clinical Psychologist. This person would highlight the mental problems that young people are facing due to the pandemic and provide evidence of that impact and provide ways to help reduce stress in kids. This interview can then be posted on social media where there is a wider target audience. A video interview will be more effective than a traditional essay as again it will be able to reach a wider target audience as well.

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