Announcements Weekly Assignments

Week 11: 4/12-16 – Writing Week!


As I mentioned in my email, this week is a week to focus on your Reflective Annotated Bibliographies as they take their final shape.


Your feedback is due on your Peer Review Partners by Friday 4/16 @ 5 PM. Before then, I’ll be posting my feedback as a comment on your rough draft as well.

Instead of Zoom class/reading discussion this week, I’d like to engage your brains in some micro-reflection as you’re in the midst of your revision. Please post a response (at least 350 words) to this prompt by Wednesday @ 5PM:

In the process of coming up with a Research Question, then turning that into a working thesis statement and then building a draft around that, what has caused you difficulty? Was it a worthwhile challenge? How did you overcome/get around that sticking point? How could you avoid that trouble in future assignments?

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