Announcements Unit 2

Video – Unit 2 Explainer!


Here’s a video that goes into deeper detail about the Reflective Annotated Bibliography. I recorded this last semester, but it’s about the same assignment and almost everything that I explain here is applicable to this semester’s version of the assignment. I just wanted to give you a bit more insight into what you’re going to do.

Important differences (all of which are accurate on the assignment page):

  • You’re required to use three sources, not the four/five I mention in the video, and each annotation should be 400 words.
  • With the intro + conclusion, that brings the total word count to ~1900 words. That sounds like a big number – trust me, you’ll have plenty to say about each source and I’ll be advising you along the way.
  • Due dates:
    • Mon. 4/5: Research Question/3 preliminary sources
    • Fri. 4/9: Rough Drafts
    • Wed. 4/14: Peer Review Session
    • Fri. 4/16: Final Drafts

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