Discussions Unit 1

Education Narrative Unit 1

When I was making my way through middle school and high school I was never very enthusiastic about school. It wasn’t that I struggled with understanding the material, I just didn’t really have the motivation to do the work. When I did pay attention and do the work I would sometimes find myself thoroughly enjoying what I was being taught.
This is true for the trigonometry class I took in high school. In high school I was known for making decent enough grades to get by because I was never really interested in the material. However, when it came to trig I was often very eager to go to class and learn what was next in the curriculum. This class relatively changed my whole view on school.
Before I took trig, I would just do the bare minimum to pass. However, going to trig and working out the math problems really shifted my whole perspective. I was fascinated by it. Finding the missing variables and the missing sides to a triangle, challenged me in a way that made me want to sit there and figure it out until I got it. It was almost like a game.
I would go home after school and start with my trig homework first, just because I liked the challenge. It was refreshing to genuinely be interested in school since I never really was before. After taking that class I tried to find something that interested me in every class. I found that when I was genuinely interested in what I was learning, school felt more like something I wouldn’t really mind doing, rather than it feeling like a chore or obligation.
Taking trig completely shifted my perspective about learning and going to school. I went from being someone who only did what I needed to do pass to someone who genuinely enjoyed what I was learning.

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