Unit 3 Weekly Assignments

Unit 3 genre

My topic is about the importance of social media and online retailing for businesses today taking into consideration current COVID-19 situations on how companies can move forward  and be more successful while keeping it safe and easier for their customers as my last research highlighted what online retailing and using social media offered specially for businesses in the fashion industry and how it contributes to a business success. The audience I’m targeting are business owners and entrepreneurs , people who are interested in starting a business, a method that I would use to communicate with the target market would be a brochure containing the benefits of social media ,the outcome it could give the companies and some resources on how to get started I believe that this would be a efficient  way to communicate with them and this could both an online brochure which could be emailed to business or a physical brochure distributed to stores. Another method I thought of to reach the potential target market would be to make a booklet this could be an online booklet which is also printable stating the benefits of social media and online retailing and a basic plan with steps on how to start to finish  to get their desired goal whether it’s to boost sales or enhance the brand image or simply have more engagement a bit like a market plan.

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