Unit 3

New Genre Pitch

Out of the three genres I’ve discussed, I personally think a podcast will be the best genre to discuss about this issue. My topic deals with the issue of sexism in the gaming community. I could invite women to the podcast to talk about their stories that they’ve experienced while playing video games. After talking about their experiences, both online and offline, we can collectively put our heads together to discuss why this kind of behavior is so normalized within this community. Ultimately, we can come up with a way try to figure out a way to help reduce these negative interactions from occurring.

I’m not sure if there’s really a point to argue within my topic. The main point of my topic is to help bring awareness and try to bring some kind of change within the community. By making the community aware of this issue, these individuals will be educated and hopefully try to create change to the best of their abilities as well.

I believe that a podcast is the best way to discuss these issues due to the structure of a podcast. In my opinion, a podcast is a more loose version of an interview. We can learn about people’s stories and discuss them as they are mentioned. I chose a podcast rather than an interview due to the audience that this is directed to. The majority of gamers nowadays are the younger, much more tech-savvy audiences. They would probably be much more inclined to listen to a chaotic podcast, rather than some interview in some random magazine.

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