Thinking of three genres is pretty difficult for my topic in my opinion. Since for my essay topic, the main point of it was to try to educate my audience to create some kind of change, a traditional essay is probably one of the more effective genres to try to convince my audience. My topic dealt with the topic of sexism in the gaming community, examples of it, the causes, real life-examples, and ways to change it.
If there were any alternative types of genres that I would use to try to convince my audience, I guess something like an interview in a magazine article would be a decent choice. I could interview a female involved in the gaming scene who is familiar with the prejudices in the community. This would make it more personal, making it more interesting to read and would provide a good insight about the experiences people go through. She could also give personal opinions on how to help create change in community as well.
The second type of genre I would consider would probably be a podcast. In my opinion, a podcast is kind of like an interview – just with less structure. Interviews have a more ridged format of question and answers while podcasts can have a more light-hearted mood to it, which would probably appeal to the target demographic more. There could be a female guest on the podcast and they can share their own experiences, similarly to the interview.
The last type of genre I would probably use is a an informative video. Since the target audience of this is probably a more younger-tech-savvy audience, I highly doubt many would be reading magazine articles or listening podcasts. By making an informative video, not only can I include clips of gameplay including these negative interactions within gamers to draw in and keep the audience entertained, I could include pictures and graphs of statistics to relay important information in a way that’s quick and easy to process. This genre would be the most appropriate and fitting for my audience, but would be the most time consuming and difficult to make.