Announcements Weekly Assignments

Week 12: 4/19-23


This week, we will be launching into Unit 3. As such, I’d like to you do the following:

Read (by Wed. 4/21)

The Unit 3 Assignment page

Schools Are Killing Curiosity by Wendy Berliner

Watch (ASAP, if wanted)

Unit 3 Video ExplainerĀ 

(I made this last semester, but the assignment remains the same. Skip to 1:25 to start, the first part is about their particular weekly timing.)

Write (By Friday @ 5 PM)

As we move past Unit 2, where you learned the new genre of the annotated bibliography, itā€™s time now to revisit what we know about genres. As you read in Kerry Dirkā€™s essay on ā€œNavigating Genres,ā€ genres of text are as diverse as a country song and an analytical essay. All genres have a set of rules/conventions that they adhere to, yes, but perhaps more importantly, all genres have certain strengths and certain weaknesses. For example, a country song would be a questionable genre to analyze the latest jump in the stock market; just as an analytical essay would be an odd (if hilarious) genre for oneā€™s thoughts on a recent heartbreak.

In Unit 3, it will be your task to take the research and topic you used in Unit 2 and writeĀ in a new genre. This cannot be a traditional academic essay, and Iā€™m asking you to be a little creative. But most importantly, Iā€™m asking you to be critical in your judgment about what genre you choose. If you are writing about climate change, you could write a press release from the White House. If you are writing about video games/film/music, you could write a longform review.

For this informal writing assignment, I want you to brainstormĀ 3Ā possible ideas for this next assignment, and explain why each of them would be more effective given your particular topic than a traditional academic essay, and fun to write. 300 words minimum!

Publish your posts by Friday at 5 PM, using the ā€œUnit 3ā€ category tag.Ā 


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