Discussions Unit 1 Weekly Assignments


My perspective of education has changed over the years .

Learning new languages, adapting to a new curriculum was not always as easy.
My emotions in middle school to beginning of high school were feeling scared of embarrassing myself or frustrated because I was doing something simpler than other kids.

Being someone that doesn’t like asking for help or even asking twice when I didn’t understand made me work harder as soon as I got home I would be trying to figure out what the words meant ,I would only watch tv ,read books in Spanish till I spoke it but when I was studying in Switzerland ,I realize that it’s easier and faster to learn languages when your communicating and letting yourself make mistakes.

In terms of grades and getting my work done I always tried my best  ,as I got older I started adapting quicker enabling me to fully learn and feel more comfortable as when I was growing up even when I spoke the language, I was very shy, specially back in Spain, one of the things teacher would always say that I would never put my hand up despite knowing the answer or having finished earlier than the rest and barely talked.

I actually did enjoy  learning when I was young but when I moved high schools to the UK I started falling behind ,at first I always kept to myself  trying to adapt but in high school everything was different.

Between lack of motivation and being distracted I limited myself from learning and it did not help that I didn’t really like the school, at that  point I was only looking forward to the fun at lunch time and after school rather than how to get good grades. I left with 3 Gcse which according to my school I wouldn’t be able to “move forward “.

My college experience it’s what made me focus back in school, this one particular teacher really helped me ,she made sure me and my friends always completed our work at the best possible ,she would tell us to stay over and review what we done so far to help us even though we wasn’t the best students but she always looked out for us and kept us from getting in trouble and excluded as schools in UK are very strict ,as well the course I was doing was art and travel and tourism, getting to go out and travel every now and then was a nice experience which made us enjoy the course more and kept us motivated to pass the class. The qualification from this school and my high school is what brought me here today as this is what got me into this university/college and opened many opportunities for me.

In conclusion at this present day I believe education is very important and that my experience has helped shape me into the person that I am as to me this was more than just education ,this is something that plays a big part in my personal life, it didn’t only give me qualifications but also is the reason why I am able to speak 4 languages fluently, and able to adapt quickly not to mention the knowledge it gave me.


1 reply on “Draft”

Overall, I think it is a good essay. You provided insight on your education journey and touch on key transition points that affected your education journey. The introduction paragraph is short; maybe you can add to them. The introduction paragraph is missing the thesis statement. In my opinion, the last paragraph has a good thesis statement ” I believe education is very important.” I will suggest making it part of your introduction paragraph.

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