Unit 1

Unit 1 outline – asset

Introduction : My perspective and experience with education.

My opinion on education/school, and the impact it has on your personal life and the way you think. How there is more to schools than educational learning but also personal life experiences.

Body Paragraph:  the differences of the languages to stages of school in the 4 main countries I studied in, how I carried it myself throughout.

Body paragraph : The struggles of moving around in terms of education such as being new and learning the languages and the impact it had on me.

Despite doing well feeling like school wasn’t necessary.

So what if I had dropped out ? 

Body paragraph: How I learnt to adapt and used what I learnt throughout my education and which was the main school experience that impacted/changed my view on education.

Was education really that important ? Does it contribute to the career I want to do ?

 Conclusion: What my whole experience taught me and my overall opinion

Did it really help me advance ? Is it benefiting me in today’s education and life?

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