Weekly Assignments

Backpacks and briefcases/ Mother Tounge- Nicholas Contrada

A genre that I find myself mostly involved in is podcast. I usually listen to podcast while working, or driving. One podcast in particular is The Joe Rogan Experience. His podcast span anywhere from thirty minutes long to three hours. Depending on how important or famous the person being interviewing is, the show usually last longer, like Elon Musk or Bernie Sanders. What I tend to enjoy about his podcast is even though he is on such a large platform with so much influence, Joe and his interviewee just talk like if they were by themselves. No holding back and they don’t have to be professional. So its cool to see these people cursing, or being funny, or even having a drink with Joe when your use to seeing them on a professional level. Not one of his podcast are the same. Each show has a different tone directed toward the viewer. If he has someone with a political background on the show could be quite informative, like Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard. The questions he asks and the tone he uses to these people is on more of a serious side. Compared to people like Joey Diaz or Dave Chappelle where he would just joke around with them, or tell stories. What makes this genre what it is, is that there is no major companies involved with podcast (for the most part.) Its usually a small team just uploading videos to youtube, or spotify, with no influence from corporate America. So there not mandated to act a certain way, or talk about certain things, its just people in their true form talking, and that’s what I think separates podcast as a genre from others. After having read the article I think the genre is auto-biography. The author talks about her life and how it is effected by the English language. She mentions how English effected her school life negatively, but she had positive interactions with the language as well, like when she was pretending to be her mother on the phone.

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