For the most part I never really pay attention to the different types of rhetoric, however in reading Laura Bolin Carroll article “Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps towards Rhetoric Analysis” made me look at different forms of rhetoric. In the article Carroll refers to a quote by Kenneth Burke, “rhetoric is everywhere wherever there is persuasion there rhetoric.” For example, as a homeowner I frequently visit the department store Home Depot. Upon entering the store on most days, a display table is setup with a Sales representative advertising solar panels. This genre of advertisements very crafty. The target audience are homeowner’s the perfect setting for this is a store that is base in-home improvements. The sell pitch is normally is “I can cut your electric bill in half” or “I can save you a lot of money on your home.” For the average homeowner its like music to your ears. The phase saves money or cutting a utility bill in half is like someone is playing your favorite song.
At this point the Sale representative has my attention and now I’m hook. He began to expand on the item. The conventions are basely on the thousand I can save. In additions how the transition into solar panels also benefits the environment. For the most part the Sales representative will use very convincing phrase like “this is smart decision” “more money in your pocket.” These tactics are now starting to me entice my intellect on being frugal. Towards the end of this short presentation, they will also inform you how solar panel are better for the environment, and how I will be helping the earth for future generations to come. By the end of the presentation, I start to wonder why most houses or buildings do not have solar panels install.
In the Home Deport example the Sale representative using the correct language has deter me from my intended propose of coming to Home Depot. In the article Mother Tongue author Amy Tan face many adversities in her quest to become a writer. When giving the opportunity to write a fiction stories at first, she felt need to use crafted sentences to satisfy her critic. Not feeling comfortable with this genre of written, she abandons this format. She decides to make her target audience her mother. Her mother a Chinse lady who spoke as Tan’s describe “simple” English. The way Tan’s mother spoke “simple” English inspire Tan’s genre of written. This article shares some similarity to an Arthur name Gloria Anzaldua. She wrote a letter title “Speaking In Tongues: A letter to 3rd World Women Writers.” She encourages female’s writer across the world to abandon traditional genre of written and embrace a genre of written to reflect their heritage.