
“Shitty First Drafts” Shary Lewis

My views on writing has absolutely changed after reading “Shitty First Drafts”. First off, I am one of those who believed that most successful writers just sat at their computers and on their very first attempt put together great material. After reading Lamott’s essay, I will try not to feel frustrated when I can’t come up with the strategies or ideas needed to put together a writing piece. I have always dreaded starting any type of writing. Like Lamott, I would panic and I would write a couple of sentences down, cross them all out and think that it was terrible and no one would like my writing. After reading this I understand that writing takes a process and almost all good writers begin with a “shitty first draft”.

One of the steps in Lamott’s process that I do not currently use but would consider is that for my first draft, I should let my thoughts and ideas pour out, no matter how crazy or terrible it might be. By doing this I can later examine my piece and  take out the parts that I do not like, highlight the ideas that I find useful and come up with a great second draft. I believe this process can immensely improve my overall writing skills.

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