Author Archives: KomronZ

Live Well v3.01

At the beginning i was skeptical about whole “get to know your self better, via web resource”. After 2nd session  begin to manage my food consumption and better handle stressful situations.  Even though I included lots of fruits and vegetables in my rations, it’s hard to say no to quesadilla and beer. 

Still lacking in exercise department, big time. In regards to stress management, I think something with V8 will help me.

LiveWell Session 2

I am still trying to reach maintenance level in almost every category. I walk a lot more than before and balance my meal as much as i can. But sometimes when choice is given between 8oz steak and salad, i choice 8oz steak salad and leave vegetable for perpetual tomorrow . on other hand its a lot faster to get some vegetable and fruits as snacks versus 8oz steak.


I don’t usually work out or exercise, but livewell made me think about my routine. For example I now i park my car little further from school so i can enjoy nice walk, pick up some apples on my way. I need to approach stressful situation in life from positive point of view.  I do realize that i cant be in control of everything, but can react in a way that will benefit me

Active Minds

It’s good to know that thee are organizations that help student with very personal kind of problems, like mental health. In some families common answer to symptoms of depression would be “walk it off”, and students really afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Active minds reaches out to students in non-traditional way, idea behind is like a breath of fresh air in standard school environment