Author Archives: Fevry


Livewell Session 3

After completing my livewell session 3,  I was able to receive great feedback. It was interesting to find out that my eating habit can build my confidence by looking for new ways to handle difficult situation. One important thing is that I need to stick with my healthy eating habits, because it can change the way I view myself. I also learn from that session how I can manage stress effectively. Livewell session 3 was success!

Livewell Session 2

My second session of livewell continue to be a success. I am in maintenance stage still for both exercise and healthy eating while my stress management is at its best. Like I wrote from my session one, I needed to focus on my core muscles, I was able to change my exercise routine by increasing the workout time by 5%. This is due to myself doing more reps when working out.  I also focus more on my fruit eating habit as well as my drinking habit (more water daily than ever before).  Keeping up with my eating habit remains one the most challenging thing that I will need to do to stay healthy.


LiveWell 1st Session

My first session with livewell was a success. The questions were answered to the best of my ability and with honesty. I need to focus more on exercising on a weekly basis. To do so, I will create a schedule and plan accordingly to stick up with it even though  time management is my biggest issue. I will be focusing more on my core muscles and I am confident that I can make it happen.

“No Pain, No Gain”

Active Minds

I have never thought about Active Minds until I had to check their website out.  I was surprised to see how courageous the founder was. It has never been easy to overcome depression and mental health issues especially when it is brought by the loss of a family member. Furthermore, I see how Active Minds has evolved over the past decade to become the voice of young adult mental health advocacy nationwide with over 400 campus chapters, hundreds of thousands of young adults all across the country beneficiating from the Active minds model (according to CNN, NYTimes). I also feel that it is vital to have a better idea on how to manage not only the physical aspect of the body, but also the mind, because they both work together.