This summer due to covid-19 I didn’t do all of what I wanted to do or was expecting to do for summer. It was a pretty bland summer but somedays and pats of the ending of the summer were great and enjoyable. I can say during the end was at the most fun because of the time I spent with me friends. Somedays we played ball and have fun, other days drove around went to different places to eat like a little adventure.That was the best part of my summer and most fun really use hanging out and having fun with my friends. Other days in the summer were my little siblings birthday so it was memorable and fun to.

The three stories we all read were all interesting to read but if I had to pick one I would say it would have to be the lottery because I’ve read it before and it still always gives of a strong impression. It really showed the depth of human action because of mentality and tradition/culture. It showed when people don’t know better what they doing is right by them and when one challenges those view they are certainly in the wrong no question. At the same time it was able to give of the gothic feeling and environment with the suspense of the lottery which connected to someones end and symbolism with the black battered up box and the rocks used to sentence one to death which was the gloomy environment made by this lottery which could be none other than be classified as gothic in my eyes. The other stories were also amazing to and got people thinking thats why I see that the three had a lot of focus on how ones mind works and operates which is whats so interesting about all three together. But in the end the lottery gave me the most of that combined with more, that was why I picked the lottery out of the three.