Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

eddy p

why did pennington attempt to rolla boulder onto linnet at abu simbel?

fanthorp had the intentions of warning linnet about mr.pennington even though simon and linnet were caring for mr. pennington. fanthrop believed that they would have not believed him. mr. pennington admits to wanting linnets fortune.  detectives also investigate and interrogates him about his concerns and interest in her buisness. linnet may recieve her fortune after she had turned 21 years old or after she has gotten married. mr. pennington feels threatened about her getting married and recieving no fortune. mr pennington feels linnets is being scamed by her lawyers.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Lack of punctuation or capitalization or proofing is confusing.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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