Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

Eduardo Valle’s Outline

Eduardo Valle

Eng 2400

Translation Essay Outline


“New Boy” written by Roddy Doyle is a story about forgiveness and new beginnings. The main character Joseph, is just a boy who has fled to Ireland after the death of his father in Africa. Throughout the film and story alike, Joseph is adapting to his new environment, particularly his new school. Both the film and story offer use a unique perspective on how Joseph is dealing with moving to Ireland and how it gives him somewhat of a sense of life back home.

Translation Type/First body

The film and the text version are traditional translations. Both film and text tells the tale of boy moving to a foreign country struggling to fit in after the death of his father. There are some differences between text and film however the overall tale are both the same. In both film and translation we also get to see the same exchange concepts in which I’ll further elaborate on later.

Five Part Reading Tool

I’ll be examining the scene where the class is taking a test in the beginning parts and then the shot switches over to a flashback of Joseph back in Africa with his father in the classroom. I’ll go over the setting and characters from the film and text version during this scene and use it to examine the meaning of the setting and the characters. For example, all flashbacks that Joseph has of his dad have been of him in school which is a interesting contrast to where Joseph is now.( a school in Ireland)

Exchange Concepts

In the ending scene, the exchange concept of forgiveness is the most present out of the 5. The Text and the film versions depict Joseph as a very humble and calm child and the other exchange concepts don’t seem to fit his character or his past. Forgiveness is an exchange concept that fits Joseph the most given the current circumstances in his life.

Film Concepts

In the Milk Scene, Non Diagetic and shots are the Fil concepts that apply the most. The Non Diagetic music playing in the confrontation in the school yard make it more intense while the shot focusing on Joseph’s face and the other boy intensifies the scene as well.


Joseph has a brutal past with him having to watch his father walk to his death, both film and text alike allow a us the viewer/reader to gain knowledge into Joseph’s current situation. Where he is and how he got there, and what really drives Joseph to finally fit in towards the end of the film.




1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for the outline.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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