Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

To Build a Fire Response

While reading “ To build a Fire ” by Jack London, I felt upset and disappointed but also surprised on how the story ended. The main character was unable to make it back to his children at the campsite due to the harsh weather conditions and his misjudgment on how dangerous it was to travel by himself. Instead of looking for shelter during these unfavorable conditions, the man  proceeded to go on a long journey back to his campsite in company with a wolf who was curious about where he was headed to during these horrible weather conditions. The journey starts off serene, but then quickly becomes frightening. The man was confident about making it back to his residence on time all while undermining the weather despite the warning this old man once mentioned to him concerning the dangers of traveling alone in below 50-degree weather. The plot thickens as the storyline goes on, where he was met with numerous of different troubles while on his way home; despite the man’s consciousness on how dangerous the weather was and surviving the obstacles that were in his way, we end up witnessing a horror case of events begin to unfold where the man falls into freezing water and quickly begins to feel the permanent numbness of his fingers, toes, and face worsening all because he was unable to start a successful fire pit. Only after the man has tried countless times to start the fire does it become too late to save some parts of himself and so he proceeds to give up and regrets not listening to what the old man once informed him on the hazards of traveling alone in below freezing weather. While reading this story, it kept me on edge– I had hopes on the man surviving these dangers but sadly that was not the case, which honestly, is what made the reading all the more intriguing; the thrill of wanting to keep reading to find out what happens to the protagonist is what made this storyline very alluring.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for your post. Good emphasis on your feelings and the hazards the man encounters.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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