Taha Hamdan 

Professor Scanlan


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According to Wikipedia Cointelpro was an operation of sorts that were run by the FBI. The whole program was made to infiltrate groups to target groups that were trying to go against the government such as the civil rights movement, Black power movement. According to chapter 5 “We had the news on because pop had told us to look out for Malcom X’s funeral”. “He’s a spy? What else would he be on the TV for with a fake name and a fake job? He works for the FBI”. This is how the book correlated with Cointelpro since there father was a FBI agent and since the organization was using this through the 1960’s as well that’s what Cointelpro the organization was used for. 

Also, according to Wikipedia Fred Hampton was a part of the Black Panther party. Fred was a leader of the Black Panther party which was also targeted by Cointelpro where the FBI drugged, shot, and killed. Hampton was an activist who considered Fascism to be the threat that needed to be resolved and be ridden. He had also founded the Rainbow coalition which included making different races stop gang fights and unite in Chicago for change in society. This also relates to Cointelpro and their father since he was an FBI agent who was a part of the downfall of the Black Panther Association.