Black Panthers

According to Wikipedia, the black panthers was a self black power and marxist-leninist political organization founded by college students on October 1996 in Oakland, California. Marxists can be seen as communists though because of the classless society belief. They were against police brutality and would challenge the police by practicing open carry in front of cops because they believed in armed self defense. The black panthers party was active between 1966 and 1982. From 1969 and forward they were involved in establishing social programs, such as Free Breakfast for Children programs, community health clinics and educational programs. However the FBI at the time did not differentiate between soviet spies and suspected communist so they sabotaged the Black Panthers with the covert counterintelligence program.

Thomas Sankara

According to Wikipedia, Thomas Sankara was the first president of Brukina Faso (a country in West Africa) from his coup d’etat in 1983 to when he was shot and killed in 1987 He was also a brukinabe military officer and a marxist revolutionary. He was seen as a hero  amongst Africans because he was anti-imperialist, he would not take aid from United Nations international monetary fund and prevented famine and promoted education with his policies. With his domestic policies he also helped vaccinate “more than 2 million children against meningitis, yellow fever and measles, which saved the lives of 18,000 to 50,000 children annually.” However, In 1987 he was murdered in a coup d’etat organized by his former friend Compaore. Compaoré said that “Sankara jeopardized foreign relations with former colonial power France and neighbouring Ivory Coast, and accused his former comrade of plotting to assassinate opponents.”