Yerime Dieye

English Composition 2

Prof. Sean Scanlan


Sharon Scranage

Sharon Marie Scranage was a 29-year-old who worked as a CIA clerk for seven years, and was accused by the FBI for being a spy, according to The Washington Post, Scranage was specifically accused “of giving her former Ghanaian lover names of CIA employees and informants while she worked for the agency.”(Murphy, 1985) Scranage allegedly met with members of Ghana’s intelligence agency in Ghana. One of the people she allegedly met was Tojo Tsikata head of Ghanaian Intelligence Agency, a very pro-Soviet member of the Rawling Government. Michael Agbotui Soussoudis the lover in question was arrested by the FBI in a planned meeting with Scranage, Soussoudis was charged with espionage, he denied being a Ghanian Intelligence Officer. Scranage later plead guilty and was sentenced to five years in prison.


Communism is a political and economic theory in which there are no classes, where all private owned property is nonexistent and is owned by the public, furthermore each individual is paid by their abilities and needs. Karl Marx Identified communism cowrote and gave the outlines for the system in the Friedrich Engels, “The Communist Manifesto.” According to the Britannica, “Marx’s embrace of communism was motivated in part by the inequities caused by the Industrial Revolution.”(Ball, 2022) Some notable countries that are on “transitional stage between the end of capitalism and the establishment of communism.” re Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba.