First Draft Outline

I will always carry snacks with me, it can be a drink, cookies, chips or a simple stick of gum. Having snacks keeps me focused. It’s been something I picked up on since I was in the 3rd grade, where I barely knew English and every time I had an exam my teacher took her jar of animal cookies out and began to hand them out whenever I had answered one question even if it wasn’t correctly answered. At some point it was no longer about the cookie but knowing that someone was there to pay attention that kept me motivated. Staying focused without knowing what I was reading was difficult but once I began to find similarities between words in English to those in Spanish everything changed. Until this day I make connections to words in Spanish as I read to better understand what I’m studying. No matter where I am I transport myself to a room full of people and feel as if I am reading to a public and helping them all understand what I’m reading or writing. I’ve enjoyed being on stage and that always helped me do my best. Picturing the public and emphasizing what I’m reading or writing repeatedly helps. 

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    This is a strong beginning. I like the idea of rewards (cookies) and how you imagine a public place to perform reading and studying. Make sure to add information on the readings that mention rewards and public spaces.

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