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Author: Kevonrl11

Coffeehouse #5

In the article “7 Time Management Tips for Online Students” by Kelsey Miller the author makes it clear on how to take on big assignments or even the simplest tasks. One thing I liked while reading this article was the format she used to create these seven steps. A student with a big assignment or a small assignment can use these several tips to help attack the assignment in an easier way. The format the author used can also be applied on a day to day basis not only with school but also with work. Planning and timing is very important as it helps us to stay organized.

Doing things last minute is something I’ve always done whether its homework or tasks to do at home. One thing I realized that I was doing wrong was tip number which is not to multi task. I multi-task a lot which is a habit I picked up on from my mother. When I would take my time and do my work on time I’d notice ending up with a good grade but that was because I was able to take time with my work. It is good we plan ahead time to do our work so we have a layout of how each assignment can be done appropriately to the best of our ability.

Kevon Essay Draft

English 1101

Intellectual Essay Draft

Professor Sean Scanlan

Intellectual Essay Draft

Everyone has assignments they have to complete, whether it is a student or worker but we all have our own individual space that we can do our best work in. In other ways it can be called an, “Intellectual home.” For others being in a noisy environment can be an intellectual home if that is where they are comfortable working in. We all have our own preferences, but it’s all on what makes us comfortable. My intellectual home would be somewhere with not to many noises or distractions and has a clean work place such as my room or basement.

With all the reading we were able to do there was a similarity in which each of them shared which was being able to find a change that would benefit them. For example this is portrayed in “Where I Learn To Read” by Salvatore Scibona. A student who had no motivation for school and was satisfied with just working at KFC on a minimum wage. Scibona was in his 3rd year of high school when he wanted to drop out and was barely able to read a page of a book since reading was one of his struggles. Even though Scibona found reading difficult he tried putting an effort into reading anything he would be amused by. By his senior year things were starting to change he read a brochure about a college which had caught his attention since it was located in New Mexico. Finally Scibona was able to find motivation in something. He had went onto to college at St. Johns and was able to learn and read as well as being able to excel in his studies. Scibona’s intellectual home was being in school and this was made clear when Scibona stated he would ask St.John to let him in that it was like vacation for him.

In the second reading, “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie. Alexie came from a less fortunate family but still made the most of it. Sherman Alexie had an interest in reading books specifically superman comic books. If there weren’t any superman comic books to read Alexie would read anything from repair manuals to magazines. Reading can be said to be an intellectual home for Alexie since it was his only way away to be distracted from his lifestyle of living in poverty. Alexie states, “I read auto-repair manuals. I read magazines. I read anything that had words and paragraphs. I read with equal parts joy and desperation. I loved those books, but I also knew that love had only one purpose. I was trying to save my life.” The author Sherman Alexie was trying to say that reading was a way of saving himself.

Both readings contributes in a way towards my intellectual home. For example, “Where I Learn To Read,” contributes to a student going away to college which became his intellectual home while my intellectual home is in my room or a quiet and clean environment. These both go hand in hand because both places are an area study with less distractions to enable us to focus more on our tasks that is given to us. Even though the next reading, “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie doesn’t have a place to call an intellectual home and grew up in poverty he still used the resources he had to help benefit himself which was reading. With reading being an escape from distractions and the feeling of poverty it can contribute to how a room can be compared as well. Reading being an escape route for Alexie brought a sense of ease the same way a quiet room can help someone think more clearly about certain situations. Even though Alexie did not have the proper resources he still made the most of what he had and became a future author. Everyone has an intellectual home whether it is a thought process or an actual place, but regardless what your intellectual home is it plays the same role which is to help us focus more on a task to help us get the work we have done to the best of our ability.

I was able to find my intellectual home while I was in High School. It was the second year of high school and I had just made the JV basketball team but there was more to basketball than actual playing. Some of the requirements to stay on the schools basketball were making it on time to study hall, doing good on all homeworks and test, but most of all being able to keep your grades up. Staying on the basketball team was considered to be a privilege since our team was considered a D3 school team. I remember always going to study hall and doing homework for classes but being a locker room as a study hall it was always active and noisy especially while being around other athletes who either had little to no homework. As time went on and I was stuck in this noisy environment and being distracted by everything going on around me my grades were dropping. Not only because of those around me but because the environment I was around wasn’t a good place to focus. Due to my grades dropping I decided to show up to study hall and when time came to start our work I would ask to use the office in the locker room as a quiet well organized place to get my work done. This helped me improve my grades stay on the basketball team and more importantly helped me to find out what my intellectual home was. Now I know a clean and quiet environment is what I need to help me do my work and stay focused.

In conclusion we all have our own intellectual home but is used for the same purpose which is to help us stay focused and on task with our assignments done to the best of our ability.

Coffeehouse #3

Traditional research

Alexandria Lockett tries to tell us in this article that over time with the improvement of technology we have made it easier on ourselves to find out information. One way this is implied is when Alexandria states, “Researching “the research paper” via Google, Google News, and Google Scholar retrieves
almost 19,000,000 results.”

Another thing I learnt while reading this article was that with the amount of information we can find on the internet it could take decades. As stated, “Consuming data dumps, whether by the dozens, hundreds,
or thousands, would take decades to read, summarize, annotate,
interpret, and analyze.”

Finally, Alexandria states, ” but strategically incorporating them into an argument may seem impossible to today’s writers.” Reading this helped me realize that writing today is much more easier, but in this case that takes away the skill we lack in which is being able to incorporate the information we have cited into an argument.

Research Wikipedia

Research is explained to be a way to help us humans learn more and question more about certain thing such as topics like how the world was created. I was able to assume this when I read, “The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentationdiscoveryinterpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.”

There are several forms of research such as scientific, humanities, economic, social, business, and marketing. There are more out there but these are just some examples. These research practices are know as meta research.

Wikipedia research helped me learn that there are multiple forms of research but each form has a different meaning to it. An example is scientific research which is scientific information and theories for the explanation of nature and the properties of the world.

Kevon Ramphaul CoffeeHouse #2

A big problem I always had was taking money for granted. When your a kid growing up you never truly understand the value of money you think because you have it you can spend it but that is not the case. Summer of 2018 I had an addiction to bikes and blew all my money on getting the best parts for my bike and having designer shoes. I was so close to using up all of my money that I was barely able to help myself. Even though I was young I didn’t really like to rely on my parents to buy me anything because I was always an independent person because that was the way I was raised. I remember hanging out with my friends in the city and we just finished going to footlocker and I had spent most of my money on 2 pairs of sneakers, after my friends and I were done at footlocker we went to get food and I barely had enough money to buy food for myself so I made the most out of what I had and just ordered something that I had enough to spend on. After that day I went home and explained to my mom I wanted a job to help myself, and thats when I started to humble myself. During that summer my family and I went on vacation back to our home country Guyana, and going to a 3rd world country really opened my eyes to see that no one should take money for granted. I remember giving away my 2 pairs of designer shoes to a kid younger then me who was asking for money to buy food. This had immediately gave me flashbacks of when I was in the city. Of course the kid was given money by my mother to buy food but what made it so memorable was the genuine smile he had on his face but the look on my mothers face that was given to me was a sense of shock. My mother was furious with me with giving away expensive shoes but I told her why I had done so and she became happy with me. I was not only able to help a starving kid on the street by giving him shoes to wear and food to eat but I also was able to help humble myself. My mother and I are planning to go to India next for her birthday to help and give back not only are we helping the needy but we are also receiving blessings. I now invested my money into stocks and started trading with Robinhood. My new motto when spending money is, if I am putting money into this will I be getting anything out of it. That is the learning I have experienced which also taught me to humble myself.

Kevon Ramphaul

“Where I Learned To Read” was written by a fellow New Yorker named Salvatore Scibona in the summer time of June 11th and June 13th of 2011. It is based on a person who had zero motivation to finish his years of high school, and would rather work at KFC making a beginners wage of $3.85 instead of carrying on his studies to get a higher paying job. Scibona tried flunking out of high school in his 3rd year. He failed most of classes and even went to the extent of burning his report card in the sink of KFC. He was unable to read, but he tried putting his effort into reading books that he found amusing and wouldn’t just be assigned to read. Then came his senior year and thats when everything changed.

Scibona went on in his senior year and was passed a brochure for college by his classmate. Glancing at the brochure it had immediately caught his attention since the college had nothing to do with grades, textbooks, or even tests. Being a senior in high school this of course would catch the attention of any student, but even though it caught Scibona’s it still made him out to be confused. Now this is where things start to take a turn for the better. As stated Scibona wanted to leave Ohio, and now he was getting that opportunity. The college named St. John College was located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Realizing this gave motivation to Scibona to graduate high school and make it into college. St. John College is where Scibona learnt to read and excelled in his studies. Scibona’s intellectual home turnt out to be St. John College. In the end Scibona’s motivation to leave Ohio also helped him to have a better future making become a renown author.