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Author: kevinliu

Annotated Bibliography Intro

Mar colonization

As technologies improve we can tell that Earth is kind of “crowd” for us human beings. Not to exaggerate, if we keep on doing the things that’s damaging the environment, Earth probably is going to die in another 200 years. Elon Musk came up with the idea of Mars colonization. He decide to send 100 explorer who volunteer to go to Mars by his starship he build in the near future that contains the bridge, living compartment, gym, bathroom and restaurants for the explorers to live in for about 8-10 months, because that’s the time it takes for the starship to go from Earth to Mars. Will they succeed?

Draft of conclusion

In conclusion, even though Mars colonization is hard and risky, some people still decided to go there for the future of mankind, that’s very brave. I’m sure the first pack of 100 explorers are aware that they can come back are very little, because they are facing the environment they have never been before, as in the paragraphs that I’ve mention, it takes about 8-10 months for the starship to went from Earth to Mars, that means any problem they have they can only wait until the time supply arrive to fix, until then they can only deal with the problems with they have. Hopefully nothing went wrong when they get there.

First Annotation

Elong musk reveals his ideas to colonizing Mars

As technology begins to evolve faster and faster, Earth is now “too crowd” for us. It is time for us to look for a “new home” for us to live in. Mars seems to be a good choice, but how do we get there? Isn’t it too far? Well, thanks to Elon Musk, we now have a plan to move to mars. But before actually going there, there are variety of things we need to do because Mars is currently unavailable due to its environment. We have to change the environment first then we can move in there. But it could take a long time.

Coffee House #2

Through out my college years there are few things that I wish it didn’t happen to me but it did. Back when I was a fresh in city tech, I made a american friend who really helps me in my all of my classes. He’s Canadian, from London. We met in our physics class, we started talking by me asking how the his “show work” is simpler than the professor’s writing. I ask then asked him for contacts because I believe he is more “trust worthy” than my Asian friends who fail the previous quiz. We really had fun together, we went out for bicycle ridding, jogging and work out(gym) together sometime. But things started to gone bad when that happened. Some time in April, I just left my calculus class, I saw my graphing calculator was missing so I went back to find it. He was holding it, I was happy he found it for me, but when ask him to give it back to me, he denied. How did I know it was mine? Because I saw my handwriting in the back of the calculator in Chinese. We argued, at a point I even wanted to call the security guard to help me get it back, but I didn’t, I know its not worth it anymore. I decided to not talk to him anymore. A lost of an object can help me determine what kind of person I’m Making friend with is really worth it.

Coffee House #1

“Where I Learn To Read” by Salvatore Scibona, it was publish in the New Yorkers on June 13 and 20th 2011. It talks about how he’s struggle with his teenage time as a high school student and a KFC worker whose wage was $3.85 an hour. He even wanted to drop out of high school so he can relieve some stress because he thinks his job is more important than his education at that time. He was inspired by a brochure his classmate threw to him, it was about how college was like. He then found his intellectual home at St. John college. But before that he had started to read a lot of books such as Donald Trump autobiography. He wasn’t forced to do the stuff, he knew his parents can’t afford him to go to college, but he felt himself more comfortable in the college than the his home, that’s why St. John college is his intellectual home.

Kevin Liu: Intellectual Home essay

Eng 1101

Professor Sean Scanlan

Home, a place you can stay and relax when you’re tired. As a student when they’re tired they don’t just rest on their bed, they rest on their “intellectual home”. Intellectual home is different than the regular home. Why? Because its a place(s) where people can relax and be themselves without caring whats happen outside the “intellectual home”. As of myself, my intellectual home would be balcony, because it gives me fresh air and sunlight, it makes me so relax that I can even forget to eat lunch.

Through out the readings of the semester I’ve find a few of the stories that has the idea of intellectual home. In the reading “Where I learn to read” by Salvatore Scibona, states that a student whose working in KFC with minimum wage has struggle with education. One of the struggle was that she had a hard time reading books because he couldn’t understand it. His intellectual home was the being in school when he got motivated,that St.John lets him stay inside for vacation.

My own intellectual home is anywhere that has a balcony. Why? Because where i live now is quite small, the only place where I can breath some fresh air is the balcony. It makes me feel free

Coffee House #5

Time management is very essential to us, depending on how your time is manage it affect everything happens later on. Finishing your task early or late can make a difference. If the task is finished on time then the free time can be done with anything, but if the task is finish in late then you have no free time but to suffer in depression and regrets. Now, because of the Covid-19 pandemic students are all taking online classes, this makes students less focus on what they should be, phones, computers and other electronic devices are in their hands so they can do what they want. This results some point in the future that students grade would rapidly decreased. The main point of time managements is self control, by meaning, take away the stuff that affects your focus on what you’re doing, bring it back when you’re done.

Personally I really have time management issue because I have to work from morning to 6 p.m. in the afternoon and I’m working 5 days a week so its hard for me to do homework from classes. What I can do the best is work on whatever i can when I’m done with my daily basis then work on homework or study. I have to take my phone away and turn off my computer at that point, because I know if both were on,then i can’t do anything and I won’t make any progress.

Coffee House #3

Traditional research

1. As of now the convenience of technology helped us a lot specially in doing researches online. It can help find any data you need as long as you give the correct/good keywords.

2.As previous mention, by giving the correct keyword the data result of your research can be given less than a second, all you have to do is choose the resource(s) you want. In the past it used to be more “literal” with doing researches, you needed place like library to get knowledge you need, but as of now we have everything that makes our lives easier.

3.The best thing of using technology to do research is that it gives you all the resources, and even videos to demonstrate the experiment. Even better, people can leave comment below to consult with others and make corrections if needed.

Wikipedia Reasearch

1. Scientific researches- The process of constructing an experiment with variety of steps to prove what the hypothesis is correct or not. It is to first choose a topic then make an assumption of what’s going to happen next, then its to introduce the theory behind the experiment, gathering data, then result.

2. Historical researches- using techniques and evidence to write what has happen in the past. There are various history guidelines that are commonly used by historians in their work, under the headings of external criticism, internal criticism, and synthesis.

3. Future Perspective-Due to financial issues in both East and Western world the research in everything on both sides has been difficult for all nations to improve economics. Like China and South Korea demands more funding toward education and others.