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Kevin Liu: Intellectual Home essay

Eng 1101

Professor Sean Scanlan

Home, a place you can stay and relax when you’re tired. As a student when they’re tired they don’t just rest on their bed, they rest on their “intellectual home”. Intellectual home is different than the regular home. Why? Because its a place(s) where people can relax and be themselves without caring whats happen outside the “intellectual home”. As of myself, my intellectual home would be balcony, because it gives me fresh air and sunlight, it makes me so relax that I can even forget to eat lunch.

Through out the readings of the semester I’ve find a few of the stories that has the idea of intellectual home. In the reading “Where I learn to read” by Salvatore Scibona, states that a student whose working in KFC with minimum wage has struggle with education. One of the struggle was that she had a hard time reading books because he couldn’t understand it. His intellectual home was the being in school when he got motivated,that St.John lets him stay inside for vacation.

My own intellectual home is anywhere that has a balcony. Why? Because where i live now is quite small, the only place where I can breath some fresh air is the balcony. It makes me feel free

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    -Prof. Scanlan

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