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Conclusion A.B

In conclusion marijuana legalization nationwide seems like the inevitable outcome for the future. Whether you agree or disagree with the use of the drug you should agree nobody deserves jail time for using it recreationally or possessing it. Holding this against people as a crime is unethical in itself because it seems to be only targeted in minority communities even though it is evenly smoked by all races. This is a tool to hold back people of color and minorities because convictions withholds resources such as loans, educational, housing, etc. Thankfully, in recent news in NYC has been legalized and plans to expunge convictions from citizens is soon record is in the works. Alcohol is no different than marijuana if not worse. Both should be treated the same way and should be used responsibly. Since the drug was discovered it been used for medical purposes to treat illnesses until it was given a bad reputation which was fueled by racism against Mexican immigrants.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for posting.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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