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Melinda, Smith. “Dealing with Teen Depression.” HelpGuide.org, 2020, www.helpguide.org/articles/depression/teenagers-guide-to-depression.htm. 

Depression is a serious matter, feeling hopeless and lonely all the time is a sign of depression. Teen depression is very serious, we tend to go through so much during our teenage years. Getting angry and sad over the littlest things, crying all the time, or even having sleepless nights. These are all signs of depression; overtime depression can get worse for some people in which teens become suicidal. This happens when you can’t find any solution to your problems, or you just start to feel like everyone, and everything is against you. But at the end of the day, you got to remember no matter how you feel just know these feelings will pass. Teenagers go through so much pressure, that’s what causes depression. They have so much going on they don’t know how to deal with it. On top of that in the new generation, people don’t know how to understand each other. Instead, if someone tells us they’re depressed our response to them would be “go see a doctor”, “it’s not that serious”, “we all go through it”, “you’ll get over it”. We really never understand anyone’s emotions, that’s why many teens suffer because they’re afraid to tell anyone how they feel. Another reason for teen depression would be family problems, that’s a big one that affects most teens. There’s so much drama going on in our household that we get tired of hearing it every day, which we then want to find an escape from. Living in a toxic household could get very frustrating, having your parents fight can have a bad impact on us teens. “It can be hard to open up about how you’re feeling—especially when you’re feeling depressed, ashamed, or worthless, accepting your feelings and opening up about them with someone you trust will help you feel less alone”. This quote caught my attention because it’s true that many people out there don’t know how to share feelings, talking about myself personally I have a very hard time talking to another person when I feel upset or annoyed, because I just think “what can they possibly do to help me feel better nothing”. But talking to someone and letting that person know how you feel can make it so much easier for you, you’re letting go of all negative energy. This can help clear your mind, this is so important because we relieve stress. This will help you connect to one another when you feel lonely.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Unfortunately, this annotation does not contain the six parts that the assignment calls for. What I read here is a general comment that does not connect to the article. Asef’s example above is a good model to follow. See me if you have questions.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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