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Coffee house post #3

English 101

Professor Sean

The Traditional Research Paper is Best

Alexandria lockett argues that the modern research paper is not the equivalent of what it used to be – because of the huge increase of information available on the internet People used to have to leave their home to research and now going to the library is rare for a lot of students an old research paper used to be researched through raw data from a book or from word of mouth – canā€™t just google it now that the internet is used so widely research papers are easily accessible and itā€™s hard to find a topic that hasn’t been researched and written already

Her second point is that because of the way students are taught to research most of their papers turn out as borderline plagiarism very little of the information in the paper isn’t read from someone else’s article on average a college students paper is expected between 5 to 10 sources where advanced students are
probably asked to cite no more than 30 sources.

Third while we make our own research and do as we please that mostly effect us on the good way with more experience to us gain that was Alexandria lockett was arguing by saying ” traditional research papers undoubtedly address the
problem of how to evaluate and integrate sources, a contemporary
first-year college writing student will probably be sensitive to her
limitations as a single writer”.

Wikipedia Research

Historical researches is when historians research facts from the past and do analyses and lab rapports to figure out history years and years past.

Scientific researches mostly who travel around the world and examine facts we are not familiar with however, “regardless of its origin, allĀ researchĀ begins with a basic question or proposition about a specific phenomenon.”

ResearchĀ is one of most important fact about humans civilization to evolve to next stage as was happening centuries, and it’s a fact about looking answers that not knowing on certain topic.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for this Coffeehouse. Good writing and clear points.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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